Tag Archives: celebrations

Farewells can be good or bad (John 14:28-31), April 3, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. Farewells. Sometimes we like them, sometimes we don’t. But there is good and bad with every farewell. Jesus tried to tell His disciples about the good in His.
  3. Scripture
    1. John 14:28-31
    2. You were listening when I said, “I will go away, but I will also return to be with you.” If you love Me, celebrate the fact that I am going to be with the Father because He is far greater than I am.  I have told you all these things in advance so that your faith will grow as these things come to pass.  I am almost finished speaking to you. The one who rules the world is stepping forward, and he has no part in Me;  but to demonstrate to the cosmos My love for the Father, I will do just as He commands. Stand up. It is time for us to leave this place.
  4. Devotional
    1. In the military, we had a lot of events we called hail and farewells. In fact, we had them almost every month.
      1. Nature of military moves
      2. Someone always coming or going to fill spots in the units
      3. Welcomed the newcomers, said goodbye to those leaving
      4. Sometimes sad to see the old-timers leave
        1. Good leaders
        2. Contributed to the unit in exceptional ways
        3. Good friends
      5. Sometimes happy to see them go
        1. Just the opposite
        2. Poor leaders
        3. Tried to climb the ranks on the backs of others
        4. Thought only of themselves and not their fellow soldiers
    2. Jesus talked about His farewell
      1. Good that He was leaving
      2. In face, wanted them to celebrate the fact that He was going back to His father
      3. Didn’t understand how they could celebrate His departure, especially if it meant the death He predicted
    3. In just a few days, though, they would be doing exactly that
      1. In a few days, we will not mourn Jesus’ death on the cross, but celebrate His sacrifice
      2. In a few days, we will celebrate an empty tomb, His resurrection and power over death and the grave
      3. In a few days, we will celebrate His return to the Father, because He proved His promises true then and now
      4. In a few days it will be Easter and the Christian community celebrates Jesus’ resurrection in extraordinary ways
    4. But we don’t need to wait a few days to celebrate
      1. He also promised a Comforter would come to be with us and in us
      2. He promised this Comforter would also teach us everything He taught while He walked among us
      3. He promised this Comforter would empower us to do what He did and more if we let Him loose in our lives to work for His glory and the glory of the Father
    5. What are you waiting for? Go do some celebrating for Jesus’ farewell today!
  5. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

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