Tag Archives: change

Can a leopard change his spots? (Acts 9:10-16), May 7, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. How hard is it to believe someone can change their ways? Particularly someone who has been a really bad character?
  3. Scripture
    1. Acts 9:10-16
    2. The Lord: Ananias.

Ananias: Here I am, Lord.

The Lord: Get up and go to Straight Boulevard. Go to the house of Judas, and inquire about a man from Tarsus, Saul by name. He is praying to Me at this very instant. He has had a vision—a vision of a man by your name who will come, lay hands on him, and heal his eyesight.

Ananias:  Lord, I know whom You’re talking about. I’ve heard rumors about this fellow. He’s an evil man and has caused great harm for Your special people in Jerusalem.  I’ve heard that he has been authorized by the religious authorities to come here and chain everyone who associates with Your name.

The Lord:  Yes, but you must go! I have chosen him to be My instrument to bring My name far and wide—to outsiders, to kings, and to the people of Israel as well.  I have much to show him, including how much he must suffer for My name.

  1. Devotional
    1. It’s really hard to put your trust in someone who has lost your trust, isn’t it?
      1. Convicts difficulty in getting jobs
      2. Embezzlers never trusted
      3. Those who have wronged you never brought into the inner circle or even into friendships
      4. Always afraid they will repeat their actions and you’ll get hurt again
    2. Jesus comes to Ananias and tells him to reach out to Saul of Tarsus
      1. Ananias knows Saul’s reputation
      2. Knows he has authority to arrest followers and knows their destination after arrest
      3. Ananias knows Saul cannot be trusted because of his previous actions
      4. Jesus says go and teach him
      5. What do you do?
    3. You do what Jesus tells you to do!
      1. Might be hard for us to believe people can change but..
      2. Think about the change he made in you
      3. If he can change you, can’t he change the one you don’t want to trust?
      4. Can’t He transform the redeemed?
      5. That’s what He told Ananias and that’s what He tells us
    4. So you’ve been burned by someone who says they are born again and they proved they were not by their actions
      1. Some things to think about
      2. God doesn’t expect us to put someone back into their place of greatest temptation, that would be foolish for them and us
        1. Don’t send alcoholics into a bar
        2. Don’t give embezzlers positions as treasurer
        3. Don’t put temptations in front of those who you know succumb to those temptations
        4. But use their skills
      3. Still, befriend, encourage, teach, help as new members of God’s kingdom
  2. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Everything will change (John 12:30-32), March 18, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. Have you ever thought about the key events in history that really changed the world. Stop and see if you can name a few.
  3. Scripture
    1. John 12:30-32
    2. Jesus:  The voice you hear has not spoken for My benefit, but for yours.  Now judgment comes upon this world, and everything will change. The tyrant of this world, Satan, will be thrown out.  When I am lifted up from the earth, then all of humanity will be drawn to Me.
  4. Devotional
    1. There are some key events in history that change everything. Think about it
      1. The Renaissance
      2. Pax Romana
      3. Life of Muhammad
      4. Reformation
      5. World War I
      6. World War II
      7. Printing Press
      8. Berlin Wall
      9. American Revolution
    2. None compare to what Jesus did for us
      1. God spoke to the crowd
      2. God gave us a means of escape from the punishment for our sins
      3. God gave His life that we might have eternal life
    3. Everything changed; we can be changed, too, if we will let Him change us
  5. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Live where you are (Mark 5:19) July 24, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – 1 Thessalonians 1-3

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Mark 5:19
Jesus: Stay here; I want you to go back home to your own people and let them see what the Lord has done—how He has had mercy on you.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

“I want you to go back home to your own people.” The newly freed man didn’t expect that. He probably didn’t want it, either. Like most of us, the man probably wanted to accompany Jesus on His mission journey through the other towns of Galilee and Judea spreading the good news that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. But that wasn’t the mission Jesus gave him. Jesus told him to go home and talk to his family. The people that knew him best.

That’s tough work! Let me give you a sample from the secular side of the world. In my last assignment, I was the Chief of Staff of the Army Medical Department Center and School. That sounds like a fancy title, but not a lot of people know what it really means to be a Chief of Staff or what the Army Medical Department Center and School is all about. But looking back at the job, it was a pretty important position.

The Center and School is the place where the Army trained all its enlisted medical specialties and conducted all its leadership training. It is also the place where the doctrine, techniques, tactics, and procedures for medical support in combat and deployed situations is developed and codified for the Army and for much of the Joint medical support around the world. It is the largest allied health training facility in the world, with 3600 staff and faculty graduating more than 40,000 students a year in over 350 different course and 200 medical specialties and sub-specialties. All of the specialties and sub-specialties that can be accredited in civilian schools are accredited by those same boards and institutions to ensure the quality of training and subsequent medical support for our service members is the same or better than their civilian counterparts.

Now that sounds like a fairly impressive organization, right? And the Chief of Staff, my last position in the Army, orchestrates the staff, the department decoratorates, to make sure all of those activities happen the way they are supposed to. For me, it meant pretty long days for three years with back to back meetings all day long from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm almost every day. Thousands of pages of material to read and edit, hundreds of emails every day, and directing all that work to the right staff agencies for action and answers. Fun most days, exciting, exhausting, too.

When I went into a meeting, one of my favorite coffee cups would already be sitting at my seat at the table with steaming coffee. A copy of the briefing slides would be at my place with my favorite brand of pen and paper next to it. Everything ready to go so I when I came into the room for the meeting, I didn’t have to worry about anything but focusing on the meeting I was about to attend. My presence was announced when I walked into the conference room and people stood at attention. Sounds pretty important, doesn’t it?

But when I went home, I wasn’t Colonel Agee anymore. I was dad, Dick, son. No one at home really knew or understood what I did every day when I put on my uniform and went to that building down the street. They knew I did something important because of all the people that recognized me whenever we went anywhere on the installation. They knew Chief of Staff of the Army Medical Department Center and School must be a fairly decent position because my picture was on the wall of half the buildings at Fort Sam Houston and a lot of the policies on the bulletin boards held my signature at the bottom of the page. But they didn’t really think much about it because I was just dad or son or Dick. I took out the trash, helped with dishes, sometimes swept or vacuumed floors, and sometimes folded laundry. I was just a member of the family.

I share that to explain the difficulty in sharing with family sometimes the news of who you are or how you have changed. Frankly, I still wanted to be just dad and son and Dick at home. I was glad to shed Colonel when I walked through the doors at home. But if I wanted to tell them what I did and explain the position I held near the end of my career, I’m not sure most of my family would have understood or accepted the power I wielded as Chief of Staff. I grew up with my brothers and sisters. They knew me. My parents knew the trouble I caused them and all my shortfalls. It would be hard for them to accept the thought that with just a few words dozens or even hundreds of people would do what I asked. They would have a hard time believing I could influence how medical structures operated on battlefields around the world. I was just dad or Dick or son.

The man freed from his demon possession would have a tough time ahead. Jesus wanted him to witness to those who knew him best. He was to show the change in him. He was to share the message and not just talk about it, but live it every day in front of those who knew him best. This changed man was to prove himself to those who did not trust him, those who threw him into the street and chained him up in the cemeteries because he had been a danger to the community. His task would be his toughest assignment. But that’s sometimes what Jesus calls us to do. Live the life He calls us to, just where we are, the toughest place to live.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

God changes people (Mark 6:1-13), October 30, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Mark 6:1-13

Set – Job 21; Mark 6

Go! – Job 21; Mark 5-6

Mark 6:1-13
1 Jesus went back into His own hometown where He had grown up, and His disciples followed Him there. 2 When the Sabbath came, He went into the synagogue in Nazareth and began to teach as He had done elsewhere, and many of those who heard Him were astonished.
Those in the Synagogue: Where did He gain this wisdom? And what are all these stories we’ve been hearing about the signs and healings He’s performed? Where did He get that kind of power? 3 Isn’t this Jesus, the little boy we used to see in Joseph’s carpenter shop? Didn’t He grow up to be a carpenter just like His father? Isn’t He the son of Mary over there and the brother of James, Joses, Judas, Simon, and their sisters? Who does He think He is?
And when they had thought about it that way, they became indignant and closed themselves to His message.
Jesus (seeing this): 4 A prophet can find honor anywhere except in his hometown, among his own people, and in his own household.
5 He could not do any of His great works among them except with a few of the sick, whom He healed by laying His hands upon them. 6 He was amazed by the stubbornness of their unbelief.
Jesus went out among the villages teaching, 7 and He called the twelve to Him and began to send them out in pairs. He gave them authority over unclean spirits 8 and instructed them to take nothing with them but a staff: no money, no bread, no bag, 9 nothing but the sandals on their feet and the coat on their back.
Jesus: 10 When you go into a house, stay there until it is time for you to leave that town. 11 And if someone will not accept you and your message, when you leave, shake off the dust of that place from your feet as a judgment against it. On the day of judgment, that city will wish for the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah.
12 And so His disciples went out into the countryside, preaching the changed life as Jesus had taught them, 13 casting out unclean spirits and anointing the sick with oil to heal them.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Do you ever think back about some of your childhood friends and wonder about the change in their lives? Perhaps you see their face on a television newscast and think, “I remember him! I never thought he would do something like that, he was such a nice guy.” Or, “How did he ever make it to the top of his industry? When I knew him he was the laziest guy in the class.”

Maybe you remember someone you went to high school or college with and never thought they would amount to much because they were the worst student, biggest cut up, most ill behaved student you could imagine. But people change, and I change them even more. Take a look at Paul. He was in the business of finding, capturing, and killing Christians because he thought they were damaging the “true” faith of the Jewish people. But then Paul met Me on his trip to Damascus and I changed him completely. Paul suffered tremendously as a result of his change. The people he formerly worked for tried their best to kill him because of the message I gave him to spread to the world.

Others run from Me and the change is not pretty. Everyone has some good in them because I made you and everything I make is good. But people can turn from Me and like rotting meat begin to decay and spoil and smell. You may not see the decay physically, but you’ll see it in behavior, character, and relationship. You’ll see their life begin to fall apart spiritually and spiral into certain destruction until they turn again to Me.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe the transformation that some have had. That’s what happened with the people in Nazareth. Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t this the guy we went to school with every day? Isn’t this the kid we played with growing up? How can He be the Messiah? He grew up with us. He can’t be the Messiah, He went grew up in the same place we did, he just can’t be the Messiah. We know what His brothers and sisters are like. Surely, He’s the same. He can’t be the Messiah.

Well, I was and I am. Sometimes you just need to open you eyes and recognize I can transform lives. Maybe you need to go through the transformation yourself to realize just how much I can change a person. If you think I can’t change someone completely, try Me. Let Me change you and you’ll find that no one is too hard for Me to give a complete makeover from the inside out.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Prayer changes things (Job 10), October 22, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Job 10

Set – Job 10; Acts 15-16

Go! – Job 9-10; Acts 15-16

Job 10
Job: 1I hate my life, so I will unload the full weight of my grievance against God.
Let me speak and reveal the bitterness I am harboring.
2 I will say to God: Don’t find me guilty;
just explain the charges You have against me.
3 Does it please You to oppress,
and is this why You spurn me, the work of Your hands,
and yet Your smile shines down upon the plots of the wicked?
4 Do You have human eyes so that Your outlook is short?
Do You see as through human frailties?
5 Are Your days like mortals’ limited days?
Are Your years like mortals’ limited years?
6 Is this why You seek out my faults
or You go in search of all my error?
7 You know well that I am not guilty,
yet nothing can free me from Your overwhelming power.
8 Your hands formed and made me whole,
yet now You turn to crush.
9 Recall how You molded me like clay.
Will You now render me back to dust?
10 Didn’t You pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese?
11 Didn’t You clothe me in skin and flesh, weave my bone and sinew together?
12 Your care has saved my spirit,
and You have given me life and loyalty;
13 Yet I know what is in You,
what Your heart has always hidden.
14 If I sin, You see it, watching ever so closely,
and You do not acquit me of my guilt.
15 If I am wicked, woe is me;
even if I am innocent, I cannot take a chance and lift my head
Because I’m gorged with disgrace.
Gaze on my misery!
16 If I do raise my head,
then like a lion, You hunt me;
Like a night sky turned threatening,
You unfold Your power against me so that others marvel;
17 Like a prosecutor, You drag in witnesses against me;
You escalate Your fury against me, coming in waves to pound on me.
18 So then, why did You bother to drag me out of the womb at all?
I should have just died before any eye could see me.
19 It should have been as though I had never been:
plucked from the womb, carried to the tomb.
20 Aren’t my days almost finished anyway?
Stand back, leave me alone, and let me have a scrap of comfort
21 Before I go to the place from which I won’t return,
to the land of utter darkness and still shadows,
22 The land of deep, unending night,
of blackness and shadowy chaos
where the only illumination is more darkness.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

You think Job might have been a little discouraged, disillusioned, and depressed as he talked with Me? Those were dark days for Job. He lost everything except his wife who told him to curse Me and die. His three best friends searched his life for his hidden sins and tried their best to get him to confess to something he didn’t do. He grieved until there were no more tears to shed and then Satan afflicted him with boils so that he could find no comfortable position to even find a moments rest from the agony he endured.

Do you think he had a reason to cry out to Me with the prayer penned here? I do. By all appearances, I had abandoned Job for no reason that he could find. Job made and inventory of his life and could find nothing in our relationship that could cause the tremendous pain he endured at this point. I listened to his prayer, but I didn’t answer this one. I listened to his next one, but I didn’t answer that one either.

It’s good to note, though, that I didn’t add to his pain when he prayed to Me. As you go through Job’s prayers in the next several days, I want you see how his prayers change over time. As you know, I never answer his question as to why he suffers. Only Satan and I and those who read his story knew that answer. But Job’s prayers will change as he prays.

Prayer changes things. Sometimes I allow your prayers to change what I do. Sometimes I let your prayers change the circumstances around you. Sometimes I want your prayers to change you. See how Job changes through his prayers as you read them over the next days.

I changed Job through his trials. I can change you, too.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.