Tag Archives: frustration

Did you ever try to teach someone and fail? (Luke 24:25-26, 38-39), January 16, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. Have you ever tried to explain something to someone and they just didn’t get it? How did it make you feel? I bet Jesus got pretty frustrated at times, too. Particularly when His time was running out.
  3. Scripture
    1. Luke 24:25-26
    2. Jesus:  Come on, men! Why are you being so foolish? Why are your hearts so sluggish when it comes to believing what the prophets have been saying all along?  Didn’t it have to be this way? Didn’t the Anointed One have to experience these sufferings in order to come into His glory?Jesus:  Why are you upset? Why are your hearts churning with questions?  Look—look at My hands and My feet! See that it’s Me! Come on; touch Me; see for yourselves. A ghost doesn’t have flesh and bones, as you can see that I have!
  4. Devotional
    1. Sometimes I’m a really terrible teacher. I enjoy teaching most of the time, but occasionally I’ll teach a subject that comes pretty easily to me and I think it should to everyone. I forget that it doesn’t. All of us have things like that, of course.
      1. I’ve had people try to teach me how to fix cars. It’s a hopeless cause.
      2. Plumbing is the same way
      3. I’ve learned to hire others to do some of those things around the house because it’s a lot cheaper than doing it myself
    2. When I think something should be crystal clear and it isn’t
      1. Try to restate in other ways
      2. Try to review in ways to solidify in memory
      3. Try to relate to things they know and understand
      4. If unsuccessful, patience runs thin
    3. End of the story with two men Jesus met on road to Emmaus
      1. Talked on the road
      2. Knew the news about crucified Galilean
      3. Knew rumors of Messiah
      4. Jesus kept hinting about the tie in between the prophecies and the Galilean they heard about
      5. Connect the dots
    4. Are you guys stupid? What have you already said? Wake up!
      1. Finally put things together
      2. Finally understood
      3. Then recognized Jesus for who He was
      4. We sometimes think these guys are stupid. Why didn’t they recognize Jesus?
        1. Weren’t expecting to see Him
        2. Maybe saw Him on the cross, broken and bleeding
    5. How different are we?
      1. We have all the evidence of who He is, but don’t recognize Him
      2. We don’t believe what He says
      3. We don’t trust His words
      4. Are we stupid or something?
      5. Maybe we need to pay more attention to His classes
  5. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

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