Tag Archives: great commission

You have a commission, so what does that mean? (John 5:30-35), January 31, 2017

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. A commission is an important document. It gives the holder the authority to act on behalf of the one who issues the commission. How does that affect us as followers of Christ?
  3. Scripture
    1. John 5:30-35
    2. Jesus: I have not ever acted, and will not in the future act, on My own. I listen to the directions of the One who sent Me and act on these divine instructions. For this reason, My judgment is always fair and never self-serving. I’m committed to pursuing God’s agenda and not My own.

If I stand as the lone witness to My true identity, then I can be dismissed as a liar.  But if you listen, you will hear another testify about Me, and I know what He says about Me is genuine and true.  You sent messengers to John, and he told the truth to everyone who would listen.  Still his message about Me originated in heaven, not in mortal man. I am telling you these things for one reason—so that you might be rescued.  The voice of John the Baptist, the wandering prophet, is like a light in the darkness; and for a time, you took great joy and pleasure in the light he offered.

  1. Devotional
    1. In May of 1976, I raised my hand and took an oath of office as an officer in the United States Army accepting a commission issued by Congress.
      1. I serve to support and defend the constitution against all enemies
      2. I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States
      3. The commission is for life, it doesn’t expire, and remains in effect unless withdrawn by an authority appointed by the President
      4. The commission gives the scope and boundaries of my authority as an officer in the United States Army representing the President and the United States as I fulfilled the responsibilities outlined in that document
      5. I proudly served on active duty for thirty years and continue to support my country under the authority and responsibility of that commission
    2. Jesus had a commission from the Father while He breathed the air we breathe and stood on the dirt on which we stand
      1. Came to save that which was lost
      2. Came to be light to the world
      3. Came to heal and forgive
      4. Came to show the Father’s love
      5. Came to give a new covenant
      6. Came to introduce God’s spirit
    3. Gave His followers a commission before He left to ascend to His Father
      1. Go
      2. Make disciples
      3. Teach them
      4. Do the things He did
      5. Live within the boundaries of the commission He gave
    4. How are you doing with the commission God gave you? Are you living up to the terms of the commission He presented to you? Only you and God know the answer, but He will ask the question one day.
  2. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Practice His practices (Luke 15:3-10) December 6, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Nehemiah 5-9

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Luke 15:3-10
Jesus (with another parable): Wouldn’t every single one of you, if you have 100 sheep and lose one, leave the 99 in their grazing lands and go out searching for the lost sheep until you find it? When you find the lost sheep, wouldn’t you hoist it up on your shoulders, feeling wonderful? And when you go home, wouldn’t you call together your friends and neighbors? Wouldn’t you say, “Come over and celebrate with me, because I’ve found my lost sheep”? This is how it is in heaven. They’re happier over one sinner who changes his way of life than they are over 99 good and just people who don’t need to change their ways of life.
Or imagine a woman who has 10 silver coins. She loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the whole house, and search diligently until that coin is found? And when she finds it, doesn’t she invite her friends and neighbors and say, “Celebrate with me! I’ve found that silver coin that I lost”? Can’t you understand? There is joy in the presence of all God’s messengers over even one sinner who changes his way of life.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

Maybe it’s just because I’m getting older and notice it more, but I really think it’s true. We, who call ourselves Christians become more and more critical without showing God’s grace in return. This past year I’ve really noticed it. Even in this season of the year when people normally get a little more cheerful as we approach the celebration of Christ’s birth, I’ve noticed we are still on this string of harsh criticism of one another. We single out that one that is outside of God’s will, or at least what we think is His will, and blast his or her behavior. We cry out for justice or more likely for revenge. But we don’t do anything to try to bring them back into a relationship with God.

Isn’t that what we are supposed to be doing, though? Aren’t we supposed to be sharing God’s love and grace? Aren’t we supposed to be extending His mercy and teaching others what it means to love each other rather than hating each other? We don’t seem to do that very well these days, though. We criticize and complain and condemn rather than try to bring others into the kingdom by sharing the message Jesus gave us to share with the world.

If all heaven rejoices at the recovery of just one sinner, then shouldn’t we be working hard to find those lost souls and introduce them to the One who can bring them back into the fold? Shouldn’t we be finding ways to befriend the lost so that they will listen to the message rather than ranting and raving against them so that they immediately feel ostracized from us?

I think Jesus wants us to pattern our lives after His. His great commission was to teach others His practices. If you look at one of the reasons the temple leaders condemned Him, it was because He associated with sinners. He ate with prostitutes and tax collectors. He talked with people the Pharisees and scribes felt were below their status and should be avoided. So if that was jesus’ practice, isn’t that what we should be doing?

That doesn’t mean we take up their habits. He never did. He never sinned, remember. He kept Himself pure in an evil world. But He associated with the lowest of the low so He could share with them the message of hope He brought to the world. Jesus didn’t care what social status someone had or the crimes they committed or what other people thought about them. He just shared the message of redemption. He shared forgiveness. And with ever person who accepted His message, heaven erupted in joyous praise.

So why have we forgotten that message? Why do we let little meaningless things get in the way of showing God’s love to those who need it most? Instead, we have a tendency to first complain, criticize, and condemn. The world needs more love and laughter. We need more Christians to extend the hand of friendship to those who do not know Christ. How else can we share the message? We certainly can’t expect sinners to listen to a message filled with hate and condemnation, can we? That generates a fight for flight response. We don’t want that. We want them to know our Jesus. Only a friend can share that message. Jesus knew that. That’s why He ate with and talked with and worked with those that needed Him most.

So today as you go about your daily routine, who in the circle of people you meet do you need to reach out to improve your relationship? Who needs to become more than just someone you see and change into someone that needs a friend, you? Who do you know that needs to know your Jesus? The only way you can introduce Him is to get to the point in your relationship that he or she will trust you enough to know you genuinely care about their eternity. Only friends do that. Does that compromise your purity? It didn’t for Jesus. He didn’t change His behavior. He just made friends wherever He went. It’s one of His practices we need to improve upon.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Are you ready for Him to see your results? (Matthew 28:18-20) July 3, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Philippians 3-4

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus: I am here speaking with all the authority of God, who has commanded Me to give you this commission: Go out and make disciples in all the nations. Ceremonially wash them through baptism in the name of the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then disciple them. Form them in the practices and postures that I have taught you, and show them how to follow the commands I have laid down for you. And I will be with you, day after day, to the end of the age.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

Gathered on the hilltop surrounding Jesus on this last day He would appear to them, His disciples watched and listened to Him for some departing words of comfort and direction. For forty days after His death, Jesus popped in and out of their lives at unexpected times and places to give them instructions and reassurance that He really was alive and would always be alive. Death could not hold Him even though it tried its best.

But now it was time for Him to leave. Unusually clouds were building in the sky. Maybe they were like those the Israelites saw surrounding Mt Sinai when God gave the tables to Moses. Maybe they were like the clouds from which the voice spoke at Jesus’ baptism. Whatever they were like, those gathered there knew something was about to happen.

They looked to their Master and listened to Him give one more command, a commission for those on the hillside and for all who would call themselves His follower: “Go out and make disciples… .” It’s a simple command. Easy to decipher. It’s not difficult to understand. There’s no hidden message in there. It’s very straight forward so there will be no misunderstanding between Jesus and all those who will come after those gathered that day. Go out and make disciples. So let’s look at those simple words and see what we should do.

Go. That means don’t stay put. You can’t do what Jesus told us to do by standing still. You have to get up off your good intentions and move. Go has both transitive and intransitive verb meanings. The two most apropos for this command are: to move on a course; and, to proceed without delay. He gave those assembled a course to follow and He intended they carry out His directions beginning immediately. He commands us to do the same.

Out. I’m glad He added that word. I think Jesus knew if He didn’t stick that word in there, we might get stuck inside the four walls of our nice edifices for worship and forget the majority of the people that need the message are outside those walls. We must get out into the world and share the message of the good news if we fulfill His command. So first we move on a course and that course takes us outside the walls of the buildings where we worship.

And. So know we’re out in the world. We didn’t stay stuck inside our churches and temples and synagogues, but we’re not through. Too often, we who call ourselves Christian stop right there. We go out, but that’s as much of Jesus’ commission as we’re willing to do. We don’t want to offend anyone. We don’t want anyone to think we’re intolerant of others religion. We don’t want anyone to think we’re prudish or holier than thou. So we go out but we forget the “and” and everything that comes after it.

Make. Again, two of the many definitions in the Merriam-Webster unabridged dictionary fit best: to cause to exist, occur, or appear; and, to develop into. Both require change. The first implies creating something new and for Christians we understand this well in the experience of being born again by the power of God’s Spirit in us. The second implies growth as we become more like Him through transforming our thoughts and actions to mirror His.

Disciples. A disciple is one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another. In Jesus’ day, all the good rabbis had disciples. John had disciples. Gamaliel had disciples. Good rabbis had disciples. And disciples worked hard to become just like their teacher. They studied everything they did. How they ate, dressed, studied, worked, interpreted scriptures and other literature. Disciples worked hard to be like their teacher. To be like their rabbi was the greatest mark of excellence and form of flattery for these renowned educators of the faith. So to be a disciple of Jesus means to be like Him in thought, word, and deed.

There it is. Our simple, clear directive from the King of kings on the day His feet last touched the earth. We don’t know when He will come back, but when He does, He will undoubtedly ask us an important question as His followers. “How did you do? You say you are My followers, My disciples. So how did you do? I told you to go out and make disciples, so show Me what you’ve done.”

Are you ready for Him to see your results?

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.