Tag Archives: guard duty

No sleeping on guard duty (Mark 13:23-37) September 8, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Proverbs 22

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Mark 13:28-37
Jesus: Learn this lesson from the fig tree: When its branch is new and tender and begins to put forth leaves, you know that summer must be near. In the same way, when you see and hear the things I’ve described to you taking place, you’ll know the time is drawing near. It’s true—this generation will not pass away before all these things have happened. Heaven and earth may pass away, but these words of Mine will never pass away.
Take heed: no one knows the day or hour when the end is coming. The messengers in heaven don’t know, nor does the Son. Only the Father knows.
So be alert. Watch for it and pray, for you never know when that time might approach.
This situation is like a man who went on a journey; when he departed, he left his servants in charge of the house. Each of them had his own job to do; and the man left the porter to stand at the door, watching. So stay awake, because no one knows when the master of the house is coming back. It could be in the evening or at midnight or when the rooster crows or in the morning. Stay awake; be alert so that when he suddenly returns, the master won’t find you sleeping.
The teaching I am giving the four of you now is for everyone who will follow Me: stay awake, and keep your eyes open.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

The Uniform Code of Military Justice is a special part of United States public law that applies to military members. Because of the unique duties of soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen, special laws apply when they serve the nation. When you show up late for work in a civilian job, your boss can’t throw you in jail, for instance. In the military, they can. If you yell at your boss, you probably can’t be fined by a court. You probably will be fined and maybe even demoted in the military. It’s because of the unique structure, the things they must do, the immediate obedience required to keep people alive on the battlefield, and a host of other legitimate reasons that a separate set of laws are necessary for military members.

One of those special laws can be found in 10 U.S. Code Chapter 47 Sub-chapter 10 Paragraph 913. Article 113. It is titled Misbehavior of a sentinel or lookout and reads as follows: Any sentinel or look-out who is found drunk or sleeping upon his post, or leaves it before he is regularly relieved, shall be punished, if the offense is committed in time of war, by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct, if the offense is committed at any other time, by such punishment other than death as court-martial may direct.

You heard that right. Sleeping on guard during time of war may be punishable by death if a court-martial so decides. It is an extremely serious offense. In time of war, the only thing between a service member’s much needed rest and the enemy is the vigilance of the guards on the perimeter. If they fail to keep watch, the enemy can sneak in and kill everyone in the camp before they have time to react. Guard duty is extremely important. It’s why shifts are usually not more than two hours long. Those in charge want to make sure the guards can stay awake during their shift. Longer than two hours in the middle of the night can get pretty boring when there is nothing to see but darkness and the temptation to sleep after a long day’s work is great.

Whenever I read these words of Jesus, I’m glad I spent time in the Army. It reminds me just how important His words really are. Just as for the guard on the perimeter in a time of war, these words mean life or death for us. Jesus tells us to stay away and keep our eyes open. Be alert for the signs He has given His disciples heralding His coming. Know that He will return to end all our struggles one day and He has given us clues as to when that will happen. We don’t know exactly when, but it will happen and we must be ready.

My good friend Gery discovered time ended sooner than he wanted just a few weeks ago. A routine medical procedure turned into a nightmare for his family as he fell into the 1% that had adverse outcomes from the procedure. He died that evening after the medical team worked feverishly all day trying everything they knew to do to save him. He didn’t expect to see Jesus that day. He expected to retire soon and spend a lot more years with his wife of 44 years, his children, and his grandchildren. But Gery had also been alert and watching for Jesus’ coming. He was ready and although alert as his passing drew near, he was at peace knowing he would soon be in the hands of his Lord.

See, we never know when the end will come. Jesus may call an end to time for all of us today or He might call one of us home individually. The rest of us will grieve for a time, but we will all be together again if we stay awake and stay alert for His coming. His command is a matter of life and death. Stay awake. No sleeping on guard duty.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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