Tag Archives: harlot

Come back, stay faithful (Hosea 2:2-20), July 5, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Hosea 2:14–23

Set – Hosea 2; Hebrews 2

Go! – Hosea 2–5; Hebrews 2

Hosea 2:14-23
14 But once she has nothing, I’ll be able to get through to her.
I’ll entice her and lead her out into the wilderness where we can be alone,
and I’ll speak right to her heart and try to win her back.
15 And then I’ll give her back her vineyards;
I’ll turn the valley of Achor, that “Valley of Trouble,”
into a gateway of hope.
In the wilderness of exile she’ll learn to respond to Me
the way she did when she was young, when I brought her out of Egypt.
16 And I swear when that day comes, she’ll call Me “my husband” and never address Me again as “my master” as she did those other gods. 17 She’ll never invoke the name of any other master again.
Everyone will forget that gods by that name ever existed. 18 When that day comes, this is what I’ll do for My people: I’ll make a covenant for them with the wild animals and flying birds and crawling insects, and they’ll agree never to devour her crops again. I’ll smash all the bows and swords and weapons that could be used to invade their land, and they’ll live in security.
(to His reclaimed bride) 19 I’m going to marry you, and this time it’ll be forever in righteousness and justice. Our covenant will reflect a loyal love and great mercy; 20 our marriage will be honest and truthful, and you’ll understand who I really am—the Eternal One.
21 And I swear that when that day comes
I’ll answer the sky and prayers for rain,
and the sky will give the land the water it’s asking for.
22 And the land will give the grain and wine and oil the fertile soil they need to develop,
and the crops will shout back to Me, “God sows!”
23 I won’t just restore the agricultural abundance;
I’ll sow into My beloved land and plant the people in the land and make them My own.
To the one who has not been shown mercy,
I’ll rename her Mercy.
I’ll tell Not My People, “You are now My People!”
and he’ll respond, “You’re my God!”

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

You might remember Hosea’s story. I asked him to marry a harlot as an example of how My children treated Me. Hosea’s wife ran off to other men instead of being faithful to her husband, but he goes to her and brings her back home despite her unfaithfulness. The poetry in the prophecy tell of his actions to win her back. Hosea tried everything he could to keep her faithful to him. He gave her his love and remained faithful to her even though she was unfaithful to him.

My children treat Me like Hosea’s wife treated him too often. I give you blessings and you don’t appreciate them. I give you My love and you chase after worldly things instead. I protect you, provide for you, help you, teach you, yet you throw My love away and give yourself to meaningless activities and throw yourself to whatever will give you temporary pleasure instead of aspiring to develop lasting relationships with Me.

How is it that you can read history and know what happens to those who oppose Me and still continue on the path you take? How can you continue to defy Me when you see that in the end only a relationship with Me will last? How can you chase after the things of the world when you see the evidence time and again that those things only lead to your destruction?

It was difficult for Me to use Hosea as an example for the Israelites. I knew the heartbreak he would feel as his wife deserted him and ran off after other men. I knew the tears he would shed because of her deceit after all he did to provide for her. I knew the anguish Hosea would experience because of the rejection he felt from the one he loved.

I knew Hosea would experience these things because I experience them when one of My children, one of My creation, reject Me despite the love I give them. I do everything I can to reach to you, yet you run away from Me. I give you My love, even to the point of sacrificing Myself on the cross to redeem you, still you turn from Me and follow your own path. I love you with a love that reaches deeper than your vilest sin. All I ask is that you return to Me and be a faithful bride.

Like Hosea, I will take you as you are. But I won’t let you remain in your sin. I won’t let you continue to return to your unfaithful ways. I won’t allow you to continue to reject Me forever. I love you, but I remain holy. I cannot live in the presence of sin. It must be blotted out. I made provision for you so your sins can be blotted out. I died for you for just that reason.

Perhaps remembering Hosea’s story will help you understand how I feel when you run from Me. I want you with Me. Come back to Me. I’ll accept you as you are and help you remain faithful if you will work with Me.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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