Tag Archives: healing

How is your faith? (Mark 5:21-43), Feb 26, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Mark 5:21-43
Set – Psalms 28; Mark 5
Go! – Numbers 19-20; Psalms 28; Mark 5

Mark 5:21-43
21 After Jesus returned across the sea, a large crowd quickly found Him, so He stayed by the sea. 22 One of the leaders of the synagogue—a man named Jairus—came and fell at Jesus’ feet, 23 begging Him to heal his daughter.

Jairus: My daughter is dying, and she’s only 12 years old. Please come to my house. Just place Your hands on her. I know that if You do, she will live.

24 Jesus began traveling with Jairus toward his home.

In the crowd pressing around Jesus, 25 there was a woman who had suffered continuous bleeding for 12 years, bleeding that made her ritually unclean and an outcast according to the purity laws. 26 She had suffered greatly; and although she spent all her money on her medical care, she had only gotten worse. 27 She had heard of this Miracle-Man, Jesus, so she snuck up behind Him in the crowd and reached out her hand to touch His cloak.

Woman (to herself): 28 Even if all I touch are His clothes, I know I will be healed.

29 As soon as her fingers brushed His cloak, the bleeding stopped. She could feel that she was whole again.

30 Lots of people were pressed against Jesus at that moment, but He immediately felt her touch; He felt healing power flow out of Him.

He stopped. Everyone stopped. He looked around.

Jesus: Who just touched My robe?

31 His disciples broke the uneasy silence.

Disciples: Jesus, the crowd is so thick that everyone is touching You. Why do You ask, “Who touched Me?”

32 But Jesus waited. His gaze swept across the crowd to see who had done it. 33 At last, the woman—knowing He was talking about her—pushed forward and dropped to her knees. She was shaking with fear and amazement.

Woman: I touched You.

Then she told Him the reason why. 34 Jesus listened to her story.

Jesus: Daughter, you are well because you dared to believe. Go in peace, and stay well.

35 While He was speaking, some members of Jairus’s household pushed through the crowd.

Jairus’s Servants (to Jairus): Your daughter is dead. There’s no need to drag the Teacher any farther.

36 Jesus overheard their words. Then He turned to look at Jairus.

Jesus: It’s all right. Don’t be afraid; just believe.

37-38 Jesus asked everyone but Peter, James, and John (James’s brother) to remain outside when they reached Jairus’s home. Inside the synagogue leader’s house, the mourning had already begun; the weeping and wailing carried out into the street.

39 Jesus and His three disciples went inside.

Jesus: Why are you making all this sorrowful noise? The child isn’t dead. She’s just sleeping.

40 The mourners laughed a horrible, bitter laugh and went back to their wailing. Jesus cleared the house so that only His three disciples, Jairus, and Jairus’s wife were left inside with Him. They all went to where the child lay. 41 Then He took the child’s hand.

Jesus: Little girl, it’s time to wake up.

42 Immediately the 12-year-old girl opened her eyes, arose, and began to walk. Her parents could not believe their eyes.

Jesus (to the parents): 43 Don’t tell anybody what you’ve just seen. Why don’t you give her something to eat? I know she is hungry.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

In the events Mark relates in these verses, he tells of two individuals of great faith. You probably understand the great faith of the woman who touch Jesus’ robe. There were hundreds, perhaps thousands who touched Him that day, but only one had the faith to believe that if she could only touch His clothing she would find healing from her ailment. Everyone else wanted Jesus to lay His hands on them, say some pray for them, or do some other kind of physical action so they could see that something was happening from His perspective.

But this woman whose name only I know, had the faith to understand the real healing power that My Son carried within Him. It wasn’t His touch that made the difference. It wasn’t some ritual or some magical potion that provided the healing. It was faith to believe He was God incarnate. Faith in Him produced healing both physically and spiritually. It’s the same today. I still heal body and spirit. Sometimes it’s through the hands of the physicians I give intimate knowledge through. Sometimes it’s through a miraculous cure. Sometimes it’s through suffering until that day when ultimate healing takes place and you find yourself with a new body with Me in eternity. But she understood the healing power of faith.

We don’t think as much about the faith that Jarius possessed. But Jarius held the position of a leader in the synagogue. To go to Jesus for healing for his daughter meant he disobeyed the edicts of the temple leadership. The high priest and the leaders of the Jewish faith said Jesus was a heretic and must be denounced as such. No leader should put their faith in this itinerate preacher.

That meant Jarius likely lost his position in the synagogue by going to Jesus for help. His faith probably cost him his livelihood. His faith no doubt made him an enemy of the temple leadership. His faith made him a later target of the Roman rulers. His faith would cause him to have difficulty buying and selling in the market as he would find himself shunned by the rules of the society at the time.

But Jarius faith won his daughter back. Darius faith gained him a place in the Kingdom of God. His faith demonstrated his confidence in the life-giver and he found his prayers answered as a result. His faith led him to life…more abundant. His faith allowed him to testify to all around him that Jesus is God incarnate, the author of life. He would suffer for his faith, but ask Jarius if it was worth the suffering. You would find no hesitation in his answer. Of course the small amount of suffering we endure here is worth the prize awaiting us.

The unnamed woman and Jarius, two great examples of faith Mark shares with us. How do you rate on the faith scale?

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Don’t be silent (Mark 1:29-45), Feb 22, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Mark 1:29-45
Set – Psalms 27; Mark 1
Go! – Numbers 10-11; Psalms 27; Mark 1

Mark 1:29-45
29 Right after they left the synagogue, Jesus went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30 They told Him about Simon’s mother-in-law who was there in bed, sick and feverish. 31 Jesus went to her side, took her hand, and lifted her up. As soon as He touched her, the fever left her and she felt well again—strong enough to bustle around the house taking care of her visitors.

32 Just before night fell, others had gathered all the sick, diseased, and demon-infested people they could find. 33 It seemed as if the whole town had gathered at Simon and Andrew’s door. 34 Jesus was kept busy healing people of every sort of ailment and casting out unclean spirits. He was very careful not to let the demons speak because they knew Him and could reveal to the people who He really was.

35 Early in the morning, Jesus got up, left the house while it was still dark outside, and went to a deserted place to pray. 36 Simon and the others traveling with Jesus looked for Him. 37 They finally tracked Him down.

People: Everybody wants to know where You are!

Jesus: 38 It’s time we went somewhere else—the next village, maybe—so I can tell more people the good news about the kingdom of God. After all, that’s the reason I’m here.

39 So He traveled to the next village and the one after that, throughout the region of Galilee, teaching in the synagogues and casting out unclean spirits.

40 A leper walked right up to Jesus, dropped to his knees, and begged Him for help.

Leper: If You want to, You can make me clean.

41 Jesus was powerfully moved. He reached out and actually touched the leper.

Jesus: I do want to. Be clean.

42 And at that very moment, the disease left him; the leper was cleansed and made whole once again. 43 Jesus sent him away, but first He warned him strongly.

Jesus: 44 Don’t tell anybody how this happened. Just go and show yourself to the priest so that he can certify you’re clean. Perform the ceremony prescribed by Moses as proof of your cleansing, and then you may return home.

45 The man talked everywhere about how Jesus had healed him, until Jesus could no longer come into a town openly without the risk of being mobbed. So He remained on the outskirts. Even so, people still sought Him out from far and wide.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

I find it interesting to see how society has silenced Christians today. I’m not sure I understand why. In Jesus day, He would heal the sick and tell them not to tell anyone so He could travel through the land without getting mobbed and better share My message instead of spending all His time healing. Today, if I heal the sick, no one says anything. It’s just another day that passes by and I get no acknowledgement.

In Jesus day, when He enabled some to work and provide for their families, they shouted about the increase. Today, I provide jobs or increase and hear nothing but silence. Oh, I might hear a quiet prayer of thanksgiving, but there are few outward testimonies shared with others that I had a hand in making an increase possible. What has happened to your voice? When did you decide it was alright to fail to praise and give thanksgiving to the God who provides you with all good things? How has the world silenced your tongue so that you have forgotten to share your joy with Me?

Jesus specifically told the leper He healed not to tell what happened, but he could no more hold his tongue than a bucket can hold the flow of water from a waterfall. His joy filled him, spilled over, and poured out on everyone he saw. He wanted to proclaim to everyone his new freedom. He had been made clean and he could not keep it to himself. The acts that My Son performs creates that kind of response.

When He gets hold of you and cleans you up, you have to talk about it. You have to let loose and tell others. Don’t let the world decide you must bottle up your emotions. Don’t let others tell you to keep quiet about what has happened in your life. You know what I have done. Testify to it. Be My witness for the cleansing power you know has moved through you to take away your sins. Let everyone around you know that you have been made new. Rejoice!

It is time to lift your heads high and proclaim the day of the Lord! I am coming again. And I’m coming soon. It may not be today, but then again, it might be. Only I know. But when I come, I want My children shouting from the rooftops. Rejoicing in My coming. Praising Me for all I have done. Don’t be silent. Don’t let the rocks and hills do your shouting for you. Lift your voices in praise.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

A new day dawned (Acts 4:1-22), Jan 28, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Devotional

Today’s background scripture comes from Acts 4. And from it God says:
I love the Jewish Leaders’ question to Peter and John after making them cool their heels in jail overnight. They must have stayed awake all night crafting that question. It was remarkable, don’t you think?

“Who gave you the authority to create that spectacle in the temple yesterday?” What a question!

Of course, the spectacle involved a man over forty years old, lame from birth who stood at the name of Jesus, My Son. The power resident, even in his name, transferred through the faith of Peter, John, and the lame man caused him to walk out of the temple and into worship. The crowds saw the same man they had seen for forty years walking around, leaping before the Lord, praising Me for the miracle performed on his behalf.

What would you expect but the for the crowds to start praising with him? The temple atmosphere that day turned from one of somber, long faced prayers asking where I was to one of celebration thanking Me for My presence. It wasn’t just a spectacle. It was spectacular. And who authorized it? Me, that’s who! I want My people to celebrate when I’m there. I want people to sound the trumpets, clash the cymbals, let out all the stops. Why, because the God of all creation chose to visit you.

Their decision ended up being a little ridiculous, too. “Don’t talk anymore about what I’m doing through them.” How can they do that? How can anyone hold back the joy and excitement that happens when I intervene in life. Peter answered correctly and it shook their well-schooled, intellectual prowess to the ground. “Is it better that I obey you or God?”

What could they say? They were supposed to lead according to what I tell them, so how could they deny others doing what I tell them to do? What a great day to show a new day dawned for those who believe in Me.

Today’s Scripture

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Acts 4:1-22
Set – Psalms 12; Acts 4
Go! – Exodus 21-22; Psalms 12; Acts 4

Acts 4:1-22
1The conversation continued for a few hours there in Solomon’s porch. Suddenly, the head of the temple police and some members of the Sadducean party interrupted Peter and John. 2 They were annoyed because Peter and John were enthusiastically teaching that in Jesus, resurrection of the dead is possible—an idea the Sadducees completely rejected. 3 So they arrested Peter, John, and the man who was healed and kept them in jail overnight. 4 But during these few afternoon hours between the man’s miraculous healing and their arrest, Peter and John already had convinced about 5,000 more people to believe their message about Jesus!

5 The next morning, the Jewish leaders—their officials, elders, and scholars—called a meeting in Jerusalem 6 presided over by Annas (the patriarch of the ruling priestly clan), along with Caiaphas (his son-in-law), John, Alexander, and other members of their clan. 7 They made their prisoners stand in the middle of the assembly and questioned them.

Jewish Leaders: Who gave you the authority to create that spectacle in the temple yesterday?

Peter (filled with the Spirit): 8 Rulers and elders of the people, 9 yesterday a good deed was done. Someone who was sick was healed. If you’re asking us how this happened, 10 I want all of you and all of the people of Israel to know this man standing in front of you—obviously in good health—was healed by the authority of Jesus of Nazareth, the Anointed One. This is the same Jesus whom you crucified and whom God raised from the dead. 11 He is “the stone that you builders rejected who has become the very stone that holds together the entire foundation” on which a new temple is being built. 12 There is no one else who can rescue us, and there is no other name under heaven given to any human by whom we may be rescued.

13 Now the leaders were surprised and confused. They looked at Peter and John and realized they were typical peasants—uneducated, utterly ordinary fellows—with extraordinary confidence. The leaders recognized them as companions of Jesus, 14 then they turned their attention to the third man standing beside them—recently lame, now standing tall and healthy. What could they say in response to all this?

15 Because they were at a loss about what to do, they excused the prisoners so the council could deliberate in private.

Jewish Leaders: 16 What do we do with these fellows? Anyone who lives in Jerusalem will know an unexplainable sign has been performed through these two preachers. We can’t deny their story. 17 The best we can do is try to keep it from spreading. So let’s warn them to stop speaking to anybody in this name.

18 The leaders brought the prisoners back in and prohibited them from doing any more speaking or teaching in the name of Jesus. 19 Peter and John listened quietly and then replied,

Peter and John: You are the judges here, so we’ll leave it up to you to judge whether it is right in the sight of God to obey your commands or God’s. 20 But one thing we can tell you: we cannot possibly restrain ourselves from speaking about what we have seen and heard with our own eyes and ears.

21-22 The council threatened them again, but finally let them go because public opinion strongly supported Peter and John and this man who had received this miraculous sign. He was over 40 years old, so his situation was known to many people, and they couldn’t help but glorify God for his healing.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Unmatched Faith (Luke 7:1-10), Jan 7, 2015

Today’s background scripture comes from Luke 7:1-10

I hoped My chosen people would accept Me as the Messiah when I came to them. I found few who believed in Me. Many followed Me to see what miracle I might perform next. They wanted to see water turned to wine or the blind see or the lame walk. Many in those crowds thought the same thoughts I hear from crowds around some of the faith healers today.

“It’s just a show.”
“He had that man planted in the crowd.”
“I think I saw that same woman in the crowd at the last meeting.”
“If He really is the Messiah, why do the Pharisees want to do away with Him? He must be a fraud.”

I know frauds exist today to make money in My name. They will pay for their sins. But I still work miracles just as I did 2,000 years ago. I still look for those who believe in Me, not for the next trick they hope to see, but because they know “I Am.” Reading My word and seeing My work on earth should convince you I am who I say. If that is not enough, the stories tell of the miracles I performed. If that is not enough, My Spirit more than makes up for any story, vision, miracle, or anything else anyone could do to convince you. My Spirit in you provides the assurance I am the Messiah, God incarnate.

The centurion whose servant fell ill believed in Me. He weighed the evidence from the reports he received as his soldiers policed the villages and towns around Capernaum. He knew the scriptures My people should have known. He studied them to better understand the people he must help control in occupied Israel. And when the Jewish leaders asked Me to heal his servant, the centurion sent a messenger to Me understanding My power and authority over disease as the Messiah. He believed in Me and knew distance, like time, meant nothing to God.

Believe! That’s My desire for you in this new year. Just believe. Stretch your faith and understand that I am able. Period. You might not always like the answer I give you, but I will always answer in a way that brings Me glory and is best for you. You will sometimes not understand now, but one day you will. Trust Me! Believe in Me!

Ready – Luke 7:1-17; Psalms 3
Set – Genesis 18; Psalms 3; Luke 7
Go! – Genesis 18-19; Psalms 3; Luke 7

Luke 7:1-17; Psalms 3
Luke 7:1-17
Jesus shared all these sayings with the crowd that day on the plain. When He was finished, He went into the town of Capernaum. 2 There, a Centurion had a slave he loved dearly. The slave was sick—about to die— 3 so when the Centurion heard about Jesus, he contacted some Jewish elders. He sent them to ask Jesus to come and heal his dear slave. 4 With great emotion and respect, the elders presented their request to Jesus.

Jewish Elders: This man is worthy of Your help. It’s true that he’s a Centurion, 5 but he loves our nation. In fact, he paid for our synagogue to be built.

6 So Jesus accompanied them. When they approached the Centurion’s home, the Centurion sent out some friends to bring a message to Jesus.

Message of the Centurion: Lord, don’t go to the trouble of coming inside. I am not worthy to have You come under my roof. 7 That’s why I sent others with my request. Just say the word, and that will be enough to heal my servant. 8 I understand how authority works, being under authority myself and having soldiers under my authority. I command to one, “Go,” and he goes. I say to another, “Come,” and he comes. I say to my slave, “Do this,” and he obeys me.

9 Jesus was deeply impressed when He heard this. He turned to the crowd that followed Him.

Jesus: Listen, everyone. This outsider, this Roman, has more faith than I have found even among our own Jewish people.

10 The friends of the Centurion returned home, and they found the slave was completely healed.

11 It wasn’t long after this when Jesus entered a city called Nain. Again all of His disciples accompanied Him, along with a huge crowd. 12 He was coming near the gate of the city as a corpse was being carried out. This man was the only child and support of his widowed mother, and she was accompanied by a large funeral crowd.

13 As soon as the Lord saw her, He felt compassion for her.

Jesus: Don’t weep.

14 Then He came to the stretcher, and those carrying it stood still.

Jesus: Young man, listen! Get up!

15 The dead man immediately sat up and began talking. Jesus presented him to his mother, 16 and everyone was both shocked and jubilant. They praised God.

Funeral Crowd: A tremendous prophet has arisen in our midst! God has visited His people!

17 News of Jesus spread across the whole province of Judea and beyond to the surrounding regions.

Psalm 3
1 Eternal One, my adversaries are many, too many to count.
Now they have taken a stand against me!
2 Right to my face they say,
“God will not save you!”

3 But You, Eternal One, wrap around me like an impenetrable shield.
You give me glory and lift my eyes up to the heavens.
4 I lift my voice to You, Eternal One,
and You answer me from Your sacred heights.

5 I lie down at night and fall asleep.
I awake in the morning—healthy, strong, vibrant—because the Eternal supports me.
6 No longer will I fear my tens of thousands of enemies
who have surrounded me!
7 Rise up, O Eternal One!
Rescue me, O God!
For You have dealt my enemies a strong blow to the jaw!
You have shattered their teeth! Do so again.
8 Liberation truly comes from the Eternal.
Let Your blessings shower down upon Your people.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.