Tag Archives: hell

What is paradise, anyway? (Luke 23:43), January 14, 2017

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. Did you ever wonder where Jesus and the thief on the cross went when they died that day? Jesus said they were headed to paradise that day. Well then, what is paradise anyway?
  3. Scripture
    1. Luke 23:43
    2. Jesus:  I promise you that this very day you will be with Me in paradise.
  4. Devotional
    1. Have you thought much about Jesus’ comment to the thief hanging next to Him at Golgotha?
      1. Criminal
      2. Evil enough for crucifixion
      3. Cruelest form of execution
      4. Today join Jesus in paradise
    2. Paradise
      1. Wikipedia – Paradise is the term for a place of timeless harmony. The Abrahamic faiths associate paradise with the Garden of Eden, that is, the perfect state of the world prior to the fall from grace, and the perfect state that will be restored in the World to Come. in paradise there is only peace, prosperity, and happiness. Paradise is a place of contentment, a land of luxury and fulfillment.
      2. Is it heaven?
      3. Has the thief already faced judgment and entered into eternity with the triune Godhead around the throne?
      4. Does John’s Revelation and other eschatological writings agree with or refute what Jesus says to the thief?
    3. Arguments by believers and non-believers alike
      1. Does everyone go here awaiting judgment or just believers?
      2. Is this like the lobby to heaven where you get the appetizers before dinner?
      3. If Jesus talks about a judgment day, then what is paradise? A place between death and heaven?
      4. Will good people, but non-believers stay here instead of hell?
      5. Is this the opposite of purgatory for those who earn a better place than the flames or eternal separation from God?
    4. No one knows this side of heaven. We do know some things.
      1. Death is not the final victor, there is something after that – Jesus talks about that
      2. There is a heaven and hell – Jesus talks about both
      3. There will be a judgment day – Jesus talks about that
      4. We determine by our faith and actions now whether we will spend eternity in heaven or hell – Jesus talks about that
    5. What is paradise? We don’t really know this side of the curtain we call death. But for believers, whether we are ushered into an anteroom of heaven with Jesus awaiting the judgment that He called paradise when He talked to the thief, or whether we face judgment immediately, or whether time just stops and doesn’t matter anymore once we pace from this life to the next, does it really matter? As long as we are with Him, who cares? We don’t need to be concerned about what paradise is or when it is or what it looks like or if it’s part of heaven or not. Who cares? Just be ready when He comes and you’ll hear Him say, “this very day you will be with Me in paradise.”
  5. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

It’s best to be generous (Luke 16:19-31) December 11, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – 2 John

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Luke 16:19-31
Jesus There was this rich man who had everything—purple clothing of fine quality and high fashion, gourmet meals every day, and a large house. Just outside his front gate lay this poor homeless fellow named Lazarus. Lazarus was covered in ugly skin lesions. He was so hungry he wished he could scavenge scraps from the rich man’s trash. Dogs would come and lick the sores on his skin. The poor fellow died and was carried on the arms of the heavenly messengers to the embrace of Abraham. Then the rich fellow died and was buried and found himself in the place of the dead. In his torment, he looked up, and off in the distance he saw Abraham, with Lazarus in his embrace.
He shouted out, “Father Abraham! Please show me mercy! Would you send that beggar Lazarus to dip his fingertip in water and cool my tongue? These flames are hot, and I’m in agony!”
But Abraham said, “Son, you seem to be forgetting something: your life was full to overflowing with comforts and pleasures, and the life of Lazarus was just as full with suffering and pain. So now is his time of comfort, and now is your time of agony. Besides, a great canyon separates you and us. Nobody can cross over from our side to yours, or from your side to ours.”
“Please, Father Abraham, I beg you,” the formerly rich man continued, “send Lazarus to my father’s house. I have five brothers there, and they’re on the same path I was on. If Lazarus warns them, they’ll choose another path and won’t end up here in torment.”
But Abraham said, “Why send Lazarus? They already have the law of Moses and the writings of the prophets to instruct them. Let your brothers hear them.”
“No, Father Abraham,” he said, “they’re already ignoring the law and the prophets. But if someone came back from the dead, then they’d listen for sure; then they’d change their way of life.”
Abraham answered, “If they’re not listening to Moses and the prophets, they won’t be convinced even if someone comes back from the dead.”

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

I don’t know if you’ve ever been around burn victims. It’s pretty terrible. Being stationed at Ft Sam Houston, Texas for the last few years of my service, I saw patients in the burn center more often than I’d like to remember. Most of them had recently returned from Iraq or Afghanistan, victims of explosions on the battlefield in which fuel in the vehicles they were riding also caught fire before they could be extracted. Some of those soldiers were 60, 70, and 80% of their body surface covered with disfiguring burns. It’s a horrible, painful injury and recovery is also long and painful.

The average burn victim undergoes more than 20 surgeries during the first two years of recovery and usually never gets full range of motion of limbs affected by the burns. We still haven’t been able to perfect plastic surgeries to heal disfigurement, so every time a burn victim looks in the mirror, there is the constant reminder of that fateful day that changed their life forever. Post traumatic stress disorder often accompanies the injury and causes frequent nightmare interrupting much needed sleep and disrupting the healing process. Burns are horrible injuries.

Every time I read this story, I’m reminded of those soldiers I visited on the burn wards at Fort Sam Houston. And I think about how horrible hell must be. To continually exist in a place of fire and brimstone as Jesus describes it, always burning but never being consumed by it. Always experiencing that agony with no hope of the pain ever stopping. And in hell, there are no drugs to ease the pain, no narcotics to allow even the shortest, restless sleep from the intense agony.

Then I think about the rich man’s request. Just the amount of water that can be held on the tip of Lazarus’ fingertip to cool his tongue. Have you ever tried to quench you thirst with the amount of water that you can hold on the tip of your finger? It’s not much water. If you stick your whole finger in a glass of water you’ll only get about two or three drops of water off the end when you pull it out. But that was the rich man’s request. He was in such agony, such torment, he would be happy with just the amount of water that would fall from Lazarus’ fingertip.

I don’t know about you, but I never want to go to a place like that. Was the scene real? It seems to me that the parables Jesus gave the crowds were more often based in reality than not. They seemed to be scenes He had witnessed and then shared with those around Him. These were not Aesop’s fables with animals living out morals to be learned. Jesus’ parables always had truths in them that could easily be seen in every day life. So had Jesus witnessed just this kind of scene before He came to earth in human form? In His glorified form, had the Son of God witnessed the rich man plead for Abraham to send one of God’s children across the divide with just a few drops of water to cool His tongue?

There is always more truth in Jesus’ parables than not. I don’t want to find out, do you? I think that means we need to be generous with the things God entrusts into our care. Think about it.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Burns, amputees, and hell (Mark 9:43-48) August 16, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – 1 Chronicles 5-9

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Mark 9:43-48
Jesus: If your hand turns you away from the things of God, then you should cut it off. It’s better to come into eternal life maimed than to have two hands and be flung into hell— where the worm will not die and the fire will not be smothered.
If your foot trips you on the path, you should cut it off. It’s better to come into eternal life crawling than to have two feet and be flung into hell— where the worm will not die and the fire will not be smothered.
And if your eye keeps you from seeing clearly, then you should pull it out. It’s better to come into the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be flung into hell, where the worm will not die and the fire will not be smothered.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

Through the years as part of the Army Medical Department and then for several years after as I’ve dealt with various medical units in training, various contract relationships, or even my own health care, I’ve come in contact with a lot of veterans injured in combat or training accidents. Military members sometimes pay a heavy price to defend our way of life in this country. Some of those whose faces I see as I write these words wear permanent scars from horrible burns. Some lost arms or legs or eyes. I’ve seen first hand the devastation combat brings to individuals caught by that nameless bullet or bomb or improvised explosive device. Life after those sustaining some of those injuries can get pretty tough.

The average burn patient suffers through nineteen surgeries over two or three years before able to function, but still carry the physical and psychological scars that caused the event. Amputees spend weeks and months learning how to use new prostheses, but they can never take the place of the arms and legs God gives us. Life is tougher for these veterans as a result of the injuries they suffer. Sure we have some treatments and mechanical devices that make recovery from those disabilities better than in years past, but still life is not the same.

So why do I mention these veterans and the plight they face as amputees and burn victims? If you’ve seen what they go through and the struggles they face, then read Jesus’ words, His words make a whole different impact on you. He says if going through life as an amputee will help you make it to heaven, do it. If being blind helps you avoid sin, it’s better to be blind. It’s better to suffer all these infirmities than to face the fires of hell.

Some say Jesus was just making a point. He wasn’t really talking about a place that exists and lasts forever. It’s like telling kids the boogy man will get them if they don’t behave. The only problem with that line of thinking is that Jesus never wavered on His concepts of heaven and hell. He consistently talked about a judgment day on which everyone will be judged and separated based on the lives we lead now. Some will have eternal rest with Him and some will be eternally damned to hell which He describes as a lake of fire which will never be quenched.

I guess there are two ways you could approach what He says about judgment and heaven and hell. You could agree with Him and follow what He says and know you will live with Him forever in heaven. Or you can choose not to believe Him. You can live your own life, do what you want, ignore what He tells us to do and just assume that what Jesus says about heaven and hell is just a fairy tale to make people get along better in society.

You can do either one of those. It’s you choice. But there is one huge catch at the end. If there is a judgment day coming. If there is a heaven and a literal eternal hell and we will end up in one place or the other based on our behavior and beliefs in this life, then if you follow the former philosophy, you’ll be okay. If you follow the latter philosophy, you’ll be in huge trouble on judgment day.

So then, here’s the issue, does it hurt anyone to do the right things always? Does it hurt to follow God’s decrees? Does it hurt to obey the ten commandments and the other commands God gives that tell us how to love others the way we love ourselves? Doesn’t it build a greater community and build greater character to live the life He shows us through His example? If not, then doesn’t it make sense to do what He says? If you’re right and there is no hell, but you followed Jesus and His teachings, then you’ve still found your way to heaven. If you’re wrong and find on judgment day there is a hell and you’ve lived by your rules instead of His, well… That sounds like a pretty bad gamble in my book.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Three days of battle (Matthew 27:46) July 1, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Ezekiel 19-24

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Matthew 27:46
In the middle of the dark afternoon, Jesus cried out in a loud voice.
Jesus: Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani—My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

The sun was blotted out. This was no ordinary eclipse. Darkness fell over the earth for hours while the Son of God hung on the cross. It was as if evil finally won and blotted out all the light that God created and said was good. Jesus had taken on the sins of the world and as Satan thought he won the battle, God let darkness creep over the land showing everyone present just how evil men could become.

Throughout His ordeal, Jesus continued to pray from scriptures He’d learned throughout His life. He quoted from the Psalms and poured out His heart to His Father. He used David’ words to gain the strength He need to endure the pain and suffering inflicted on Him by those around Him who didn’t understand the meaning of the sacrifice He made for them or the actions they took against God Himself by hanging Him on that tree.

And now, as Jesus neared the end of His agonizing sacrifice, He cries out in one desperate plea, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani.” Which means, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” When the human side of Jesus needed the Father most, He turned His face away because of the darkness of the sins He bore for us. The Man who committed no sin. The One who served as the perfect sacrifice for us. The Father, turned away to let Him die alone on the cross as the penalty for us, separated from Him for a time.

Utter darkness. Complete separation. Total abandonment. We have never experienced it because God’s Spirit is alive and active in our world today. He does not leave us alone in this place. But He did with His Son for those moments as He carried the whole world’s sins on His shoulders.

We have no record of what happened from the time Jesus was laid in the tomb until He burst forth in resurrection power. We don’t know the struggle that took place between He and Satan. We don’t understand the realm of the after life and what happened to Jesus’ spirit after He took that last breath and left this world to enter the next. But I imagine the real battle took place then.

Satan thought he won when He killed the physical shell that housed the God/Man. He thought it was over when Jesus’ heart stopped its rhythmic beat and His lungs refused to release and accept air in them. Satan thought when the physiological processes ceased, it was over. But I think he and his minions found the battle had only begun when Jesus’ last breath passed His lips.

I think it was at that point, when Jesus had become sin for us and died for us that He entered the depths of hell for us. And there He engaged His enemy in full force. I expect Satan never expected God to visit his domain. God is holy and would never step foot into the bowels of hell which reeks of evil and vice and sin. But when Jesus, the Son of God, became sin for us, then gave His life, and as Paul tells us, descended into Hades, the battle was on. Now the Son of God, covered in our sins, took on the demons of hell in their domain.

What could they do? Here was God in their midst. Satan thought He was defeated, but through His death it gave Him entrance to the very place God would not go because of His holiness. Now carrying our sins into the pits of hell, that place reserved for us, Jesus faced the tormentor for us. And the tormentor could do nothing but bow at Jesus feet because He is Lord of lords, King of kings, Creator of all things. Even the demons bow before Him.

Those days between Jesus’ death and resurrection remain a mystery for us all. One day we can ask what happened in that interim. Until then we can only surmise what Jesus did during that time. But I expect He did not just sleep. I expect He did not just lay on that stone slab in the cave dug out for Joseph’s final burial place. I expect Jesus was busy letting Satan know He had the last word. Sin would not conquer God’s holiness then, now, or anytime in the future. Jesus died to conquer death. Jesus became sin to destroy sin. Jesus paid a visit to hell to take hell off our vacation list and make it possible for us to avoid its trap.

God, the Father, forsook the Man as Jesus hung on the cross. I think the reason was so He would never have to forsake us. Once and for all, Jesus made possible real life without the dominion of sin and death hanging over us. He conquered it all and three days later burst out of the tomb dressed in glory, the garment of victory for all who follow Him.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.