Tag Archives: I AM

Our hope of salvation (Revelation 5:1-10) December 28, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Revelation 5:1-10

Set – Revelation 5-6

Go! – Revelation 5-9

Revelation 5:1-10
1 And then I saw a scroll in the right hand of the One seated upon the throne, a scroll written both on the inside and on the outside. It had been sealed with seven seals. 2 Then a mighty heavenly messenger proclaimed with a loud voice,
Mighty Messenger: Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?
3 No creature of creation in all heaven, on all the earth, or even under the earth could open the scroll or look into its mysteries. 4 Then I began to mourn and weep bitterly because no creature of creation was found who was worthy to open the scroll or to look into its mysteries. 5 Then one of the elders consoled me.
One of the 24 Elders: Stop weeping. Look there—the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David. He has conquered and is able to break its seven seals and open the scroll.
6 I looked, and between the throne and the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders stood a Lamb who appeared to have been slaughtered. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes (the eyes are the seven Spirits of God sent out over all the earth).
7 The Lamb came and took the scroll from the right hand of the One seated upon the throne. 8 And when He took it, the four living creatures and twenty-four elders fell prostrate before the Lamb. They worshiped Him, and each one held a harp and golden bowls filled with incense (the prayers of God’s holy people). 9 Then they sang a new song.
Four Living Creatures and 24 Elders: You are worthy to receive the scroll,
to break its seals,
Because You were slain. With Your blood, You redeemed for God
people from every tribe and language, people from every race and nation.
10 You have made them a kingdom; You have appointed them priests to serve our God,
and they will rule upon the earth.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

John got to see some things about the end times that I asked him to reveal to Christians everywhere to give them hope during those dark days of persecution the early church faced from both the Jews and the Romans. While those early believers faced incredible pressures from all sides, I wanted them to know that judgment would come and My followers would remain safe with Me for all eternity. While they could not see the spiritual battles that took place in a spiritual dimension outside their view, John got a glimpse of My victory.

One of those scenes, John saw Me as both the slain Lamb and the Lion of Judah. Before he saw Me between the throne and the 24 Elders, though, John saw all of heaven weeping about a scroll in the hand of the One on the throne. Take note of the reason for their weeping.

No creature of creation in all heaven, on all the earth, or even under the earth could open the seal of the scroll. That’s a pretty significant phrase for all those out there who think I was just a good man, a good teacher, a prophet sent by God like Moses or Elijah or Mohammed. They could not open the scroll. No one or nothing created from the beginning of time could open the scroll. But then I stepped forward.

You see, I wasn’t created. I wasn’t part of creation. I AM. Just as I addressed Moses when he saw the burning bush in the desert that wasn’t consumed in the fire, I AM. As the sacrificial Lamb for your sins, I AM God made flesh for you. I lived alongside you and felt every temptation you feel but didn’t fall to the lies that Satan gives. I was and I AM your spotless, unblemished sacrifice, the price paid for your sins.

Everyone else who comes along to tell you about Me is part of My creation. And everyone and everything attempting to break the seal on the scroll in the hand of the One on the throne of heaven could not because they are created. The messengers around the throne were created. The 24 Elders were created. All was created…except Me, because I AM. I was here before time began and I will be here after time ends. But for a little while I combined Myself with some of your DNA a walked on the earth with you. I AM all God and all Man. I AM your perfect intercessor and I AM worthy to open the seal and the scroll so John could see more of the unfolding of the final judgments against Satan and those who choose to follow him.

So there it is for all those who want to wish away My diety. I was before creation. Never part of creation. I AM worthy to open the scroll because no creature of creation can open it, but then…that doesn’t describe Me. I enjoined human flesh to My heavenly body for a time, I AM still Me, the God-Man, your hope of salvation and life everlasting.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Jesus, the I AM (John 10:1-21), August 6, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – John 8:31-59

Set – Habakkuk 3; John 8

Go! – Habakkuk 1-3; John 8

John 8:31-59
Jesus (to the new Jewish believers): 31 If you hear My voice and abide in My word, you are truly My disciples; 32 you will know the truth, and that truth will give you freedom.
Jewish Believers: 33 We are Abraham’s children, and we have never been enslaved to anyone. How can You say to us, “You will be set free”?
Jesus: 34 I tell you the truth: everyone who commits sin surrenders his freedom to sin. He is a slave to sin’s power. 35 Even a household slave does not live in the home like a member of the family, but a son belongs there forever. 36 So think of it this way: if the Son comes to make you free, you will really be free.
37 I know you are descendants of Abraham, but here you are plotting to murder Me because you do not welcome My voice into your lives. 38 As I speak, I am painting you a picture of what I have seen with My Father; here you are repeating the things you have seen from your father.
Jews: 39 Abraham is our father.
Jesus: If you are truly Abraham’s children, then act like Abraham! 40 From what I see you are trying to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth that comes from the Father. This is not something Abraham would do, 41 but you are doing what you have learned from your father.
Jews: We were not born from adulterous parents; we have one Father: God.
Jesus: 42 I come from the one True God, and I’m not here on My own. He sent Me on a mission. If God were your Father, you would know that and would love Me. 43 You don’t even understand what I’m saying. Do you? Why not? It is because You cannot stand to hear My voice. 44 You are just like your true father, the devil; and you spend your time pursuing the things your father loves. He started out as a killer, and he cannot tolerate truth because he is void of anything true. At the core of his character, he is a liar; everything he speaks originates in these lies because he is the father of lies. 45 So when I speak truth, you don’t believe Me. 46-47 If I speak the truth, why don’t you believe Me? If you belong to God’s family, then why can’t you hear God speak? The answer is clear; you are not in God’s family. I speak truth, and you don’t believe Me. Can any of you convict Me of sin?
Jews: 48 We were right when we called You a demon-possessed Samaritan.
Jesus: 49-50 I’m not taken by demons. You dishonor Me, but I give all glory and honor to the Father. But I am not pursuing My own fame. There is only One who pursues and renders justice. 51 I tell you the truth, anyone who hears My voice and keeps My word will never experience death.
Jews52 We are even more confident now that You are demon-possessed. Just go down the list: Abraham died, the prophets all died. Yet You say, “If you keep My word, you will never taste death.” 53 Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died; remember? Prophets—are any of them still alive? No. Who do You think You are?
Jesus: 54 If I were trying to make Myself somebody important, it would be a waste of time. That kind of fame is worth nothing. It is the Father who is behind Me, urging Me on, giving Me praise. You say, “He is our God,” 55 but you are not in relationship with Him. I know Him intimately; even if I said anything other than the truth, I would be a liar, like you. I know Him, and I do as He says. 56 Your father Abraham anticipated the time when I would come, and he celebrated My coming.
Jews: 57 You aren’t even 50 years old, yet You have seen and talked with Abraham?
Jesus: 58 I tell you the truth; I AM before Abraham was born.
59 The people picked up stones to hurl at Him, but Jesus slipped out of the temple. Their murderous rage would have to wait.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

You would think those who claim to know Me so well would recognize Me by My words and actions. When I lived along side you, though, the ones who claimed to know Me best wanted to kill Me. In fact, they picked up stones to execute Me for blasphemy. Of course, it didn’t work because I came to act as your sacrificial lamb at Passover, not served up as a criminal for blasphemy before an arrogant crowd.

It’s still that way today. Often, those who claim to know Me best seem to do their best to destroy Me and the works My servants do for Me. Their efforts are futile, though. I cannot fail, because I AM. As I told those assembled at the temple that day 2,000 years ago, I was before Abraham, am now, and will be forever. I AM. They understood the words and took it as blasphemy. But it’s only blasphemy if it isn’t true.

My followers know by their relationship with Me and the power of My Spirit in them it wasn’t a blasphemous statement. I only spoke the truth that day. I AM. That’s all you need to know to understand the rest of the story.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.