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Two important questions (Matthew 16:13-16) April 14, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Psalms 42-44

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Matthew 16:13–16</blockquote

Jesus (to His disciples): Who do people say the Son of Man is?
Disciples: Some say John the Baptist. And some say Elijah. And some say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.
Jesus: And you? Who do you say that I am?
Peter: You are the Anointed One. You are the Son of the living God.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

These are two of the most important questions you’ll ever answer, especially the last one.

It seems the questions caught Jesus’ twelve disciples a little off guard. Who do people say I am? They had been out into the villages and hamlets and cities all around the countryside as Jesus had instructed them. They had shared His message that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. They had shared that Jesus was the promised One. The One pointed out in the scriptures as the coming Messiah. They let everyone they saw know about this remarkable man.

Now it was time to report. In my thirty years of service, my bosses sent me out on a lot of inspections, investigations, and missions. And I sent a lot of those who were under my authority out to do the same. I can’t count the number of those missions I accomplished in my thirty year career. But every time I went out on one of those missions, I expected to report back to my boss the answers to the questions he had and I expected a report from all those soldiers I sent out on similar missions.

It’s just common sense, isn’t it. If we’re going to expend time and effort and treasure on a task, we ought to get something out of it. We should find out if the mission was successful or not. We should know at the end if the time and effort and treasure expended was worth it, right? How else can we know that unless there are reports rendered by those engaged in the mission?

So Jesus asks His disciples this simple question, “Who do people say I am?” The disciples were ready with their report. Their surveys were done. All the data was entered and analyzed. They had their spreadsheets completed. They pushed the buttons on their laptops and out came their report. (Well, use your imagination a little there.) “Some say John the Baptist. And some say Elijah. And some say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.”

So Jesus had His answer from the disciples’ surveys. He knew how well others believed His disciples when they told their story in the villages and hamlets and cities in the areas in which He traveled. But there was a more important question to ask. Jesus listened to the disciples answer and noted that Messiah wasn’t included in their answer. Son of God didn’t appear there. So there is a fundamental question that needed to be asked to know whether or not their sharing in the communities could be convincing.

Now what do I mean by that? It is said that some people can sell air conditioners to Eskimos because they are just that good at selling. Most salesmen aren’t like that, though. Most salesmen are effective in their business only when they are sold themselves on their products and services. If you don’t believe in your product personally, you won’t be very sincere in the delivery of your sales pitch. And that’s all it will be, a pitch. A bunch of words thrown out for someone to swing and maybe get a hit every once in a while.

No, a real salesman understands and believes in the product he sells. She knows all the pros and cons and knows the pros far outweigh the cons. She either has the product or wants the product personally and the only thing keeping her from having it is the price or the lack of immediate need. But when the need or the money is available the salesman knows his product is the one he will purchase.

And so, Jesus asks His emissaries, “Who do you say I am?” Do you believe I’m the Messiah? Do you believe I’m God incarnate? Do you believe I am who I say I am? Do you believe so you can tell my story with complete and total conviction when you share it with others?

He asks the same of us. If we are half-hearted in our belief, we will be half-hearted in our witness. When we are, the best we can do is get reports like the disciples got in their first mission journeys. Some will think Jesus a good man. Some a great prophet. Some will think He is just a story. Until you meet Him in faith and know Him so you might believe who He says He is, your story will only confuse those around you.

What is your status? How would you report when Jesus asks His questions? Who do those you share your story with say Jesus is? But more important for you and for your witness, Who do you say Jesus is? It’s the most important question you’ll ever answer.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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