Tag Archives: Leviticus

You cannot go wherever you want (Leviticus 16:2), July 24, 2017

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. As much as we might think we can, we cannot go wherever we want. Moses learned that a long time ago.
  3. Scripture
    1. Leviticus 16:2
    2. Go, talk to Aaron, and warn him that he cannot go whenever he wants…
  4. Devotional
    1. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m using another warfighter story today since I’m still deep into a training exercise for a medical command this week. I think it will illustrate my point pretty clearly, though.
    2. We have the units operating on a linear battlefield at the moment. When combat units fight side by side in that fashion, they have what are called lines of coordination that determine exactly where their left and right boundaries are so they reduce the risk of firing into friendly forces. That boundary is usually an easily recognizeable feature like a road or river or some other terrain feature that won’t change despite the intensity of the battle. And one of the units, not both, will own the feature, the road, river, or whatever it might be.
    3. So units don’t go into each others territory without prior coordination. One unit’s soldiers don’t cross the line without coordinating with their adjacent unit first. The reason is easily understood. If you cross the boundary without coordination, you might get shot by friendly force. Not a good thing for anyone. So units warn their soldiers where they cannot go. Don’t cross this road. Don’t cross this river. Don’t go over this hill. Stay out of the adjacent unit’s area. You can’t go wherever you want!
    4. It’s true in our everyday life. We find barriers on the road. One way signs, road blocks, locked doors. Physical barriers that keep us out of places that unless we have the proper authority, we cannot enter those places. I can pretty much guarantee that most if not everyone who hears this has never personally seen the gold in sitting in Fort Knox. We cannot go there. We cannot go wherever we want. If we tried, we would be turned away. If we tried by using force, we would be met with equal or greater force and be turned away. I can assure you that you cannot get to the gold in Fort Knox. It is protected from intrusion and theft and you cannot go there. You cannot see it. You cannot go wherever you want.
    5. There are some severe consequences for overstepping your bounds if you cross physical barriers that are there to restrict your movement. Another example are the barriers our law enforcement personnel put in place during flash floods. Some people are foolish enough to think the barriers don’t apply to them and find themselves caught in the torrent of water grasping on whatever they can when their car is washed off the road. The near death experience and $2500 fine helps remind them you cannot go wherever you want.
    6. All of these examples talk about physical space, but what about our behavior? What about our spiritual lives? What about pushing past the fence that God puts in place to keep us from suffering the consequences of sinful behavior. His laws keep us in line. His laws are much like telling our kids not to put their hand in the flame. Don’t go there, you’ll get burned.
    7. God tells us, don’t do these things. There are consequeces you don’t want to pay if you cross these boundaries. You cannot go wherever you want.
    8. If we would just listen to Him. If we would just pay attention to the warning signs He puts in our path and then refuse to go around them, our journey of life would progress so much better. We would find ourselves with so much more joy and find our priorities ordered properly in the things we face every day.
    9. We understand in our daily lives we cannot go wherever we want. It’s important we apply that same understanding to our behavior and our spiritual lives. Otherwise there are consequences we do not want to pay.
  5. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”
  6. Bible Reading Plan – www.Bible-Reading.com


The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

It pays to listen to what God has to say (Leviticus 10:1-2), July 3, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. Topic Introduction with headline.
  3. Scripture
    1. Leviticus 10:1-2
    2. Nadab and Abihu, two of Aaron’s sons, took censers and filled them with embers; then they put incense on top of the fire and presented it to the Eternal One. This was a strange and unauthorized fire that the Eternal did not command them. Flames erupted from before the Eternal and burned up Nadab and Abihu. They both died in the presence of the Eternal One.
  4. Devotional
    1. Many churches frown on drinking alcohol. Most think getting drunk is not a good thing to do. Where does it stem from? Scripture.
    2. Stories like this one let us know why it pays to stay sober.
      1. Noah was drunk and caused Ham to see Him naked. It let to Ham and the Canaanites being cursed.
      2. Judah sleeping with his daughter in law.
      3. Samson losing his strength
      4. Aaron’s sons losing their lives
      5. And on and on, story after story of people losing their inhibitions and common sense under the influence of alcohol and getting themselves in serious trouble
    3. God made a profound example of these two priests, Nadab and Abihu
      1. New nation
      2. New laws
      3. Monotheism in a pagan, polytheistic world
      4. They had apparently been drinking when they attempted to put incense on the alter. God did not approve of their behavior.
      5. His fire killed them instantly.
    4. God doesn’t punish immediately too often today
      1. Still the same eternally
      2. Delays His punishment as a demonstration of His grace and mercy
      3. Gives us an opportunity to repent
      4. Gives us an opportunity to come to Him for forgiveness and atonement
    5. Wrath will come at the time of His choosing
      1. His is the same yesterday, today, and forever
      2. The punishment we saw with Nadab and Abihu is the kind of punishment any of us could expect for violating God’s laws
      3. He is a holy God and doesn’t allow sin in His presence
      4. Only through the  blood shed by His own son can we find forgiveness for our sins and come into His presence
    6. It pays to listen to what God has to say, don’t you think?
  5. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”
  6. Bible Reading Plan – Leviticus 10-12

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Making a covenant with God (Leviticus 26/1-13), Feb 16, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:
Ready – Leviticus 26:1-13
Set – Leviticus 26; Acts 23
Go! – Leviticus 26-27; Acts 23

Leviticus 26:1-13
Eternal One: Do not fashion any idols or blasphemous images. Do not erect any sacred pillars as the nations around you do. Do not set up any carved stones in your land and bow down to them. I am the Eternal your God. 2 Honor My Sabbaths, and treat My sanctuary as a holy place I am the Eternal One.
3 If you walk in My decrees and keep My commandments in your daily lives, 4I will grant you plenty of rain in the seasons when you need it, and your land will produce abundant crops and your trees will be filled with fruit. 5Your grain threshing will last until the time of the grape harvest, and the grape harvest will continue until it is time to plant again. You will fill your bellies with food and feel secure as you live in the land. 6I will see to it that you have peace in your land. You will be able to go to bed at night without a worry on your mind. I will take away the dangerous animals that roam your land, and no armies will invade your land. 7-8When you go after your enemies, they will fall by your sword. Five of you will go after 100 of your enemies, and 100 of you will cause 10,000 to flee. 9I will grant you My favor, and you will be fruitful, multiply, and have many healthy children, and I will continue to honor My covenant with you. 10You will have so much surplus food from year to year that you will have to make room for the new harvest when it comes in. 11I will make My home among you and never turn away from you. 12I will walk among you and be your god, and you will be My people. 13I am the Eternal One, your God, who led you out of the land of Egypt so that you would no longer be their slaves. I have shattered the yokes that broke your backs and helped you walk straight and upright.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

I made a lot of promises to the children of Israel in the covenant I made with them. Some people think I broke My promises because many of these don’t seem to hold true today as you look at the nation of Israel. But people forget what covenants are. Covenants are contracts between people. There is an if in there that the Israelites forgot.

I gladly take care of My children. I long to give them good things. But I also don’t intend to spoil My children. And so I expect them to live by the rules of My I lay out before them. They are not burdensome. They are not hard. They only require focusing on Me. They require love for Me and for each other. My Son, Jesus, put it well when He told those who would try to entrap Him, “The greatest commandment is this,’Love the Lord with all you heart, soul, mind, and strength.’ And the second, is close to it, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’”

The Israelites failed in their responsibilities under the covenant. I still gave them many of the promises contained in the covenant. I still poured out many blessings and gave them great victories to try and win them back to worshiping Me the way I intended them to worship Me. But ultimately, I could no longer let them disregard the terms of the covenant and operate in such a one-sided fashion and maintain the glory and honor of My name. My chosen people’s rebellion toward Me required My action.

The same is true of you. I want to make a personal covenant with you. I want to pour out My blessing, My grace and mercy on you. I want to give you peace and joy and the abundant life you hear about in New Testament living. But you must give up old ways of thinking, and acting. You must let Me direct your life. I must be Lord of your life.

But think about it. If I can create the universe and everything in it; if I can keep the universe running with clockwork precision; if I can make the lame walk and the blind see; if I can do the impossible, why not put your trust in Me? Don’t you think I am capable of running your life better than you or anyone else could? Don’t you think I can help you make the decisions that are best for you? Don’t you think I would do things in your best interest?

Covenants require both parties to provide something. You provide yourself, following My way as I lead you, and I’ll do all the rest.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.