Tag Archives: military officer

I will come to you (Matthew 8:7) February 8, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Genesis 20-23

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Matthew 8:7
Jesus: I will come to your house, and I will heal him.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

Another familiar story prompted by a military officer coming to Jesus and asking for help. His servant lay ill in his home in Capernaum. The officer makes a simple request. “Please heal my servant.” First, we need to think about the compassion of the military officer. We don’t consider Roman soldiers to have much compassion on anyone. And officers in the Roman army had less. They got their positions one of two ways. They either bought their position, so they cared little about the people that served them. To them their servants were just another piece of furniture, instruments to use as you would use a hammer or a plow.

The second way to become an officer in the Roman army was promotion through the ranks. That meant being a fierce warrior. Being more brutal than any of the men who served under you. Death, torture, brutality, were all part of their psyche. They were not known for their compassion. But this officer heard about Jesus and had pity on his servant. He went to the master and asked for his help. His compassion was remarkable for a man in his position.

Second, Romans didn’t ask favors of Jews. Occasionally they would demand Jews perform tasks for them, but they never asked for help. The Romans occupied Judea. They were the conquerors. They didn’t ask for anything. They took what they wanted and there were no questions asked. And this was an officer. He could have any demand he requested fulfilled by anyone he wanted within his area of military jurisdiction. That obviously included the ground where Jesus stood. But the officer humbled himself in the presence of Jesus and asked for help.

I love Jesus’ reply. Simple and to the point. “I will come to your house. And I will heal him.” That’s all he had to say. But listen again to those first words. I will come to your house. Imagine that! Jesus, a Jew, an itinerate, self-appointed rabbi for those who would listen to His words. He knew all the laws and traditions and He was talking to this Roman officer. One of those occupying His country. Not only that, He enthusiastically told him He would come to his house. Something a real, orthodox, died-in-the-wool, Jew would never think about doing.

But then look what He does for us. When we were still sinners, dirty, and filthy in our sins, rolling around in the mud and the filth of this world, He came to us. We didn’t deserve His love. We didn’t deserve His visit. We didn’t deserve His attention. We didn’t deserve His words of kindness. We didn’t deserve anything from Him except the outpouring of His wrath. But like the Roman officer, Jesus says enthusiastically, “I will come to you.” Invite Me and I’ll be there. I want to come. I want to show up and attend your party. I want to help you. I want to do more for you than you can ever imagine. Please invite Me. I’ll come.

The Roman was flabbergasted. He couldn’t believe it. He knew Jesus could heal and we’ll talk more about that tomorrow, but the Roman never thought Jesus would come to his house. Jews wouldn’t do that. After all, he wasn’t just a Gentile, he wasn’t even just a Roman soldier, he was an officer directing those soldiers to carry out all the atrocities against the Jews all across the city and countryside. Jesus said He would ome to his house and heal his servant.

The second part of Jesus’ answer is important to us, too. He will come to me and you, but He will also heal. What is your injury? Is it your finances? Listen to Him, give your finances to Him and let Him decide how to spend your money and He will fix them. Is it your relationships? Give them to Him. He might tell you to leave some of those “so called friends” that are pulling you into temptations, and He’ll help you make others and heal many as you do the things He tells you to do for others. Is it your health? Give it to Him. He made you and knows what you need to do to live the best life physically that you can. He can heal physically now, and will provide ultimate healing when He gives you a new body. He knows what you need and He can provide it.

The same words Jesus spoke to the Roman military officer that day, He shares with us. “I will come to your house, and I will heal him.” What a powerful message for him and for us. Think about His words and let them warm your heart today.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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