Tag Archives: mother’s love

God will rescue you. (Isaiah 49:8-26), July 26, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Isaiah 49:8-26

Set – Isaiah 49; 1 Peter 5

Go! – Isaiah 46-49; 1 Peter 5

Isaiah 49:8-26
8 Eternal One: When the time was right, I answered you;
on the day you were delivered, I was your help.
I will watch over you, and give you
as a promise, a binding covenant to the people.
Through you, My gift to the people, the land of promise will recover.
Ancestral ground, once deserted, will be entrusted to them.
9 Through you, My gift to the people, I will declare to the prisoners,
“Come out. Now you are free”;
To those who are held in darkness, “Come out into the light.”
They will find sustenance wherever they are—
Along the roads or in the open hills—
with peace of mind, in comfort and security.
10 Wherever they are, they will be fine, never hungry nor thirsty.
They will be protected from oppressive heat and the burning sun
Because the One who loves them—as a mother loves her child—will be their guide.
God will lead them to restful places, rejuvenating springs of water.
11 I will make their going easy, level the mountain road
and smooth the path that leads them home.
12 Look! Even now, they are coming from lands far away,
some from the north, others from the west, these from the land of Sinim.
13 Oh joy! Be glad—sky! Take joy—earth! Burst into song—mountains!
For the Eternal, moved to compassion, has comforted and consoled His people.
14 Zion: The Eternal One has abandoned me. God has walked out the door;
my Lord left me alone. He has forgotten all about me.
15 Eternal One: Is it possible for a mother, however disappointed,
however hurt, to forget her nursing child?
Can she feel nothing for the baby she carried and birthed?
Even if she could, I, God, will never forget you.
16 Look here. I have made you a part of Me, written you on the palms of My hands.
Your city walls are always on My mind, always My concern.
17 Now sweet Zion your children are running pell-mell back to you
Just as fast as those who destroyed you are leaving.
18 Raise your head, lift up your eyes,
and watch your heart’s desire come—
All your children, gathered and returning to you. As I live, so I promise.
You will wear them with pride all like shining ornaments;
you will put them on as a bride on her wedding day.
19 Because of all of your destroyed land—the barren fields and abandoned farms—
you are now too small, too cramped for all your citizens;
And those who tried to swallow you whole will be far, far away.
20 The children you mourned, those born in exile, will return and say,
“It is too cramped and crowded for us;
We’re going to need more room if we are to live here.”
21 You’ll say to yourself, “Where in the world did all these people come from?
Could these really be mine?
I thought I’d been desolated, left empty.
Where have you all been? Where did you come from?”
22 This is what the Lord, the Eternal, has to say:
Eternal One: I will lift My hand and signal every nation that holds your people
And they will bring your children back again:
boys bundled in their arms, girls riding on their shoulders.
23 Kings will tend the children of Zion, and their queens will nurse and nurture them.
These greats will humble themselves before you.
They will bow and lick the dust off your feet,
and in the course of it all, you will remember that I am the Eternal.
Whoever trusts in Me will never be put to shame.
24 Jerusalem: Can the spoil of war be taken from the mighty?
Can the captives be freed from the hand of a tyrant?
25 Eternal One: Hard to believe, but it shall be so.
The captives will be taken from the hand of the mighty,
And the spoil of war will be rescued from the tyrant.
I will liberate them from their captors and contend with your enemies.
I will save your children.
26 I will turn your enemies’ violence back on themselves,
and they will suffer their own atrocities:
They will feed on their own flesh and drink their own blood like wine.
Then every person on earth will know for certain that I, the Eternal, am your Savior.
I am your hero, the strong One of Jacob from whom you come.
I will rescue you, whatever the price.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Can a mother forget the child to whom she gave birth? You mothers know it is impossible. Despite the stories of violence and cruelty and selfishness we see against children at their mother’s hand sometimes, I can tell you those women still feel deep in themselves the knowledge of what they have done to the life they gave birth to. I will judge them accordingly someday. Mothers cannot forget their children.

Selfishness drives people to do incredibly horrible things, but mothers still have a place in their heart for their children. I have a special place in My heart for My highest creation also. You. You are unique in all creation. There is no one like you. You are My masterpiece in all the universe. There exists not one more exactly like you. I did that on purpose when I made you. Be sure, I make no mistakes.

So knowing I love you with love greater than a mother has for her children, you can also know I will rescue you from the evils you face when you call on Me. I will make a way of escape for you. Just look for the exit sign. It will always be there for you. Take it! Let Me fight your fights. I will win. You might not. So when the tempter comes, find the exit and run. I will stay and defeat him for you. You concentrate on escaping.

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