Tag Archives: officer

You have a commission, so what does that mean? (John 5:30-35), January 31, 2017

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. A commission is an important document. It gives the holder the authority to act on behalf of the one who issues the commission. How does that affect us as followers of Christ?
  3. Scripture
    1. John 5:30-35
    2. Jesus: I have not ever acted, and will not in the future act, on My own. I listen to the directions of the One who sent Me and act on these divine instructions. For this reason, My judgment is always fair and never self-serving. I’m committed to pursuing God’s agenda and not My own.

If I stand as the lone witness to My true identity, then I can be dismissed as a liar.  But if you listen, you will hear another testify about Me, and I know what He says about Me is genuine and true.  You sent messengers to John, and he told the truth to everyone who would listen.  Still his message about Me originated in heaven, not in mortal man. I am telling you these things for one reason—so that you might be rescued.  The voice of John the Baptist, the wandering prophet, is like a light in the darkness; and for a time, you took great joy and pleasure in the light he offered.

  1. Devotional
    1. In May of 1976, I raised my hand and took an oath of office as an officer in the United States Army accepting a commission issued by Congress.
      1. I serve to support and defend the constitution against all enemies
      2. I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States
      3. The commission is for life, it doesn’t expire, and remains in effect unless withdrawn by an authority appointed by the President
      4. The commission gives the scope and boundaries of my authority as an officer in the United States Army representing the President and the United States as I fulfilled the responsibilities outlined in that document
      5. I proudly served on active duty for thirty years and continue to support my country under the authority and responsibility of that commission
    2. Jesus had a commission from the Father while He breathed the air we breathe and stood on the dirt on which we stand
      1. Came to save that which was lost
      2. Came to be light to the world
      3. Came to heal and forgive
      4. Came to show the Father’s love
      5. Came to give a new covenant
      6. Came to introduce God’s spirit
    3. Gave His followers a commission before He left to ascend to His Father
      1. Go
      2. Make disciples
      3. Teach them
      4. Do the things He did
      5. Live within the boundaries of the commission He gave
    4. How are you doing with the commission God gave you? Are you living up to the terms of the commission He presented to you? Only you and God know the answer, but He will ask the question one day.
  2. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

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