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God doesn’t want to be co-pilot (Romans 2:17-29), May 21, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Romans 2:17-29
Set – 1 Kings 7; Romans 2
Go! – 1 Kings 7; 2 Chronicles 4; Psalms 98; Romans 2

Romans 2:17-29
17 Listen, if you claim to be a Jew, count on the law, and boast in your relationship with God; 18 if you know His will and can determine what is essential (because you have been instructed in the law); and 19 if you stand convinced that you are chosen to be a guide to the blind, a light to those who live in darkness, 20 a teacher of foolish wanderers and children, and have in the law what is essentially the form of knowledge and truth— 21 then tell me, why don’t you practice what you preach? If you are going to sermonize against stealing, then stop stealing. 22 If you are going to teach others not to commit adultery, then be completely faithful to your spouse. If you hate idolatry, then stop robbing the temples! 23 If you pride yourself in having God’s law, then stop dishonoring God by failing to keep its teaching. 24 Here’s what it says: “Because of you, God’s reputation is slandered by those outside the covenant.”

25 You see, circumcision is of value only if you keep the law’s teachings. But if you keep breaking God’s rules, you are no different than those without the mark. 26 So if an uncircumcised man abides by God’s just precepts, doesn’t that make his standing before God the same as one who is circumcised? 27 The man who is physically uncircumcised but still keeps the law, he will stand in judgment over the person who is circumcised and yet continually breaks God’s law. 28 A mark that is evident doesn’t necessarily make one a Jew, and circumcision that is evident only in the flesh is not true. 29 But the true Jew is Jewish on the inside—in secret places no one but God can see—and true circumcision involves the heart; it comes from the Spirit, not from some written code. The praise and reputation of that kind of Jew come from God, not from man.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Pharisaical Jews and Christians still spout their rhetoric about keeping the law today. You’d think after all this time they would realize you can’t keep it. I gave it to you to help you understand the boundaries of holy living. The things I wanted you to keep far from in your daily living. Instead, humankind saw My commands as an opportunity to try to stretch My grace and mercy. You try to stretch to see just how close you can get to the edge of the boundary without crossing it. Except most of the time, your foot slips and over you go, not just your toes, but foot leg, body and soul.

I sometimes wonder why I gave you the laws in the first place. But then again, without the laws, your behavior would mimic that of the population before the flood. I destroyed them because of their wickedness. Unfortunately, it’s happening again even with My laws. I even changed the rules and gave you My Son to teach them to you and then sent My Spirit to live in you so you could know them without memorizing them or hearing them from a rabbi or a pulpit.

My Spirit convicts the world of sin. People generally know right from wrong. Otherwise they wouldn’t commit their vile acts in darkness away from authorities or trying to hide their actions from Me. People know what actions I disapprove of and sneak around behind closed doors to hide from Me. It doesn’t work, though. I know what you do each moment of every day and every night. I never sleep. I always know your very thoughts…before you act. I even give you opportunities to escape before you commit those things you know will displease Me.

Too many do not read the exit signs and continue to march down the world’s path, though. The temporary pleasure overruns their self-control and down the guilt spiral they go. But are you much different? I tell you not to steal, do you have anything from your office at home that shouldn’t be there? Pens, pencils, paper? Did you leave early from work and still get paid for the time? That’s stealing, you know. Have you participated in the gossip circle? That gets into the hating your brother realm I talked about when I said don’t call anyone “fool.” It starts the train wreck toward murder in your heart and murders character and reputation. How about the “having no other gods before Me”? Does anything come between us when I ask you to do something for Me? If you say, “No.” I’m not your Lord, you know. I can’t be if you don’t do what I ask you to do.

My laws are simple. They are not always easy to follow in the sin-scarred world you live in, now. But that’s why I left My Spirit with you. Everything is possible with Me at your side. Just let Me act as your pilot. I never liked that “God is my co-pilot” bumper sticker. It says you’re still in charge. You can’t win that way. I want to be you pilot! Just let go and let Me drive. You’ll be amazed at where I take your life if you’ll let Me.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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