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Eternal life and Dr. Phil (John 6:32-40), February 5, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. Today’s words from Jesus made me think of a bizarre episode from Dr. Phil. In just a minute I’ll tell you why.
  3. Scripture
    1. John 6:32-40
    2. Jesus:  I tell you the truth: Moses did not give you bread from heaven; it is My Father who offers you true bread from heaven.  The bread of God comes down out of heaven and breathes life into the cosmos.

Crowd:  Master, we want a boundless supply of this bread.

Jesus:  I am the bread that gives life. If you come to My table and eat, you will never go hungry. Believe in Me, and you will never go thirsty.  Here I am standing in front of you, and still you don’t believe.  All that My Father gives to Me comes to Me. I will receive everyone; I will not send away anyone who comes to Me.  And here’s the reason: I have come down from heaven not to pursue My own agenda but to do what He desires. I am here on behalf of the Father who sent Me.  He sent Me to care for all He has given Me so that nothing and no one will perish. In the end, on the last day, He wants everything to be resurrected into new life.  So if you want to know the will of the Father, know this: everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him will live eternally; and on the last day, I am the One who will resurrect him.

  1. Devotional
    1. My wife is a Dr. Phil fan and the other day she was watching one of his programs she captured on our DVR and a young lady’s conversation with him captured my attention. I’m usually reading something whenever Carole listens to Dr. Phil, but when this you lady said she was pregnant and Jesus was the child, I perked up.
      1. Six home pregnancy tests
      2. Two clinic pregnancy tests
      3. Sonogram on television
      4. Still didn’t believe the results
      5. Knew she was pregnant with Jesus
      6. Mental illness causing her to think bloated belly meant pregnancy and could let go of delusion until her belly flattened one night in an institution Dr. Phil sent her to for help.
    2. Jesus came to share the truth God wanted us to hear
      1. Many followed only for the miracles He performed
      2. Many followed out of curiosity to see what He would do next
      3. Many liked what He said but fell away when the pressure was on (including His closest disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane)
    3. Jesus calls us to believe
      1. Not just because of the wonders He performed
      2. Not just because of the testimony of others
      3. Not just because of the evidence of scripture
      4. Exercise faith and allow His spirit to confirm who He is
    4. When we exercise enough faith to believe Jesus is the Son of God who came to rescue us from the penalty of sin, death, He forgives our sins and grants us eternal life to be enjoyed with Him in heaven.
  2. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

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