Tag Archives: preparation

Change before or because?, September 17, 2018

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Last week we determined that we are controlled by our thoughts and we need to take a look at the thoughts we need to turn over to God and let him help us change. Today, I want us to consider this thought. You can change before you have to instead of because you have to.

Let me give that to you once more, then I’m going to pause for just a second or two to let you consider it with me. You can change before you have to instead of because you have to.

I mentioned last week that I have a business that deals in change management. One of the aspects of that service looks at the life cycle of organizations to help leaders determine how well they are poised for change. The thought above is very true, but too many of my clients have waited too long and determine they are well past that “change before they have to” part and are in the throes of change because they have to.” The business figured out their profits have started along that downhill slide on the life cycle of a dying business. They know they must change if their company hopes to survive.

Every once in a while, though, a smart CEO or owner will take a look at their business before they must change. They examine their business while still moving ahead before they get to the top of that peak of economic prosperity. They look around at other businesses around them and take a gander at opportunities the market has to offer and they recognize their great ideas from a few years ago are now just run of the mill and you can find like products and services on every street corner and often much cheaper than what they offer. They know they must change if they are to survive in the long run and so they change and manage that change well. The change causes a small blip in their profit curve, but then it recovers from the blip and climbs rapidly in the market again. Change happens, management matters.

But what about us as individuals? Well, guess what, we will change. All of us must change. The question each of us must answer is will we change before we have to or because we have to. Maybe the change is because of the loss of income with a job loss. Maybe health issues puts a stop to certain physical activities. Maybe the loss of a loved one causes immediate change. These kinds of changes can come unexpectedly and without warning. We change because we have to.

Others we can prepare for and although we know they are coming, we can be ready for them or at least as ready as we can. What kinds of things can we prepare in advance? Retirement is one. Too many in this country rely solely on Social Security for their retirement income. If that’s your only income, you will live below the poverty level. It was never designed to be the sole retirement mechanism for the population. It was designed as a safety net for those without means of support. What does that mean? If you are in your twenties or thirties and just starting your career, put away some portion of your income into a retirement fund now. It doesn’t have to be much, but get into the habit of putting it away where you can’t get to it easily. You will need it when you retire.

If you are in your forties or fifties, you can still begin to catch up, but you will need to start putting away larger sums of money quickly before it is too late. And teach your kids to put money away for retirement. You need funds for retirement a lot more than you need this year’s model car. You need funds for retirement a lot more than you need a swimming pool in your backyard or a house  to impress your friends with extra rooms that will just sit empty all the time.

And if you are already retirement age, you understand exactly what I’m talking about and you should share your wisdom with those who are coming along behind you. We live in a very materialistic, instant gratification society that will implode on itself if we do not change our ways soon. Change before you have to, not because you have to. Solomon talked about the ants that store away food for the winter. Smart little creatures!

And how about death? We don’t like to talk about it, but do you have a will? Will all your assets get tied up in probate court waiting for lawyers and judges and the state to figure out what to do with your property? Wills fix those things and they are usually very easy and simple to execute. How about a living will so family members don’t have to make the traumatic emotional decisions about your quality of life if you are in a hospital bed with little or no brain activity but can be made to exist on life support for months on end?  Life insurance? Funeral arrangements? These all sound like morbid things, and they are. But all of them are much easier to attend to before someone rolls out a casket in front of you and you have to make those decisions while you are still in the shock of have lost someone so dear to you.

How about spiritually? To get to heaven, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” That’s pretty straight forward. We are all sinners. Some have been saved by his grace. We are all invited. He offers all the gift of his forgiveness. But a gift is not a gift until it is received. Until we accept it willingly, we don’t have the gift he offers. God’s desire is that we would all accept the gift he offers. He also knows that we are stubborn and there will be some that will go their own way and refuse him. I hate to talk about it, but as surely as there is a heaven because God is full of love and grace and mercy, there is also a hell because God is also just and holy and true to his word. He has never changed. We must if we are to be in his presence face to face one day.

We are back to that haunting thought that we started with today. You can change before you have to instead of because you have to. Sometimes life is not fair and we are blindsided by events that force us to change because of them. Receiving the gift of God’s grace and mercy and the forgiveness of our sins is a change that can happen right now. This very moment. All you have to do is ask him with a repentant heart and he will do it. Come on and let him change you. New life is yours for the asking.

You can find me at richardagee.com. I also invite you to join us at San Antonio First Church of the Nazarene on West Avenue in San Antonio to hear more Bible based teaching. You can find out more about my church at SAF.church. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed it, tell a friend. If you didn’t, send me an email and let me know how better to reach out to those around you. Until next week, may God richly bless you as you venture into His story each day.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Permanent vacation?, April 23, 2018

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Bible Reading Plan – www.Bible-Reading.com; The Story, Chapter 31; You Version Bible app Engaging God’s Story Reading Plan Days 204 through 210

Who doesn’t like vacations, right? Maybe your favorite place is sitting in a boat drowning worms to catch the biggest wide-mouth bass in the lake. Maybe you like to stand knee deep in that cold mountain stream with your favorite fly fishing gear. Maybe you just like to lay on the beach and listen to the waves crash against the sand and enjoy the warmth of the sun on your skin. Maybe you like to get to the mountains when the snow settles on the peaks and test your skills on those thin strips of fiberglass under your feet as you speed down the slopes between the trees. Perhaps your favorite vacation is just getting away from the telephone and email and curling up with a good book knowing you don’t have to face the boss or the constant stream of customers for the next few days.

Whatever your favorite vacation, most of them are for the same reasons. We want to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and live for just a little while in something of a paradise. We ponder what Eden must have been like and our mind and body push away from this polluted, entangled world and we experience that beautiful, peaceful, stress free time away from the norm of everyday existence we call a vacation.

The problem for us, vacation ends and we come back to that same old life. Bills to pay. Co-workers and customers we would like to avoid. The same health issues we ignored for just a moment while we enjoyed our vacation. The neighbor that moved in and you wish they hadn’t. That blissful time ends and we go back to life before vacation. And knowing the vacation is ending always makes vacation dim just a little, no matter how bright it is while we’re there. We always have that little snag in the back of our brain that says this Eden just won’t last, bud. It will all be over soon and you’ll be back in the same old grind. Enjoy it while you can.

But this week we read John’s Revelation on the Isle of Patmos. The risen Lord came to visit and remind John and us that he would return to take us home to live with him forever. John sees a lot of things in his time with the angels and Jesus on Patmos that we don’t understand. He didn’t understand it. Jesus told him to write down everything he saw and was told. And he said everyone who read it would be blessed. Not everyone who understood it would be blessed. And that’s a good thing because I don’t know anyone who fully understands John’s Revelation.

Once we stand in front of Jesus at the end of time, we will look back at each verse and we will say, “Oh, yeah! That’s what that means.” But until then, the book is clouded in mysticism and symbolism and vague references that we just can’t understand because we are not meant to know the time or the day of his coming. We are just to be ready for it. But the revelation also gives us some clues about that last movement of God’s word. Remember, we started in Genesis with God enjoying a face to face relationship with Adam and Eve. He walked in the Garden of Eden with his highest creation and talked with them. There was an intimacy in their relationship that was lost when Adam and Eve decided they knew better than God and launched out on their own path, disobeying his command to avoid that tree in the middle of the garden.

We saw in the second movement of God’s word how he raised a nation from Abraham to show us how to maintain relationships with each other in community and with him in worship. Israel is that nation. But they failed in the mission God gave Abraham to spread the news of that relationship and showing the other nations how to embrace him in as God.

So he came to earth in human flesh. God incarnate. Jesus. The third movement. The cross. He came to show us grace and truth in perfect harmony. He demonstrated through his perfect son, Jesus, how to live in harmony with the Father. He taught us to worship. He taught us to prayer. He gave himself as the perfect sacrifice so we can have life in him.

The fourth movement began in an upper room in Jerusalem at Pentecost. God returned in the form of his holy spirit to live not just among us, but in us. The movement of the church began. Those 120 who gathered in that upper room reached out to complete the task Jesus gave them as he ascended into heaven. Go. Make disciple. Teach them everything I taught you. Baptize them in names of the Father, Son, and Spirit.

We still live  in the movement of the church. We still have the same task Jesus gave those gathered around him on that day he was seen rising in the clouds. We still have the command to Go. Make disciples. Teach what we have been taught about him. Baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit. The task hasn’t changed. We’re still in the church movement expected to use the power of his spirit to do the work he told us to do.

But there is a final movement in God’s word. That revelation that is so hard to understand…except for the end of the story. Those last two chapters are pretty clear. We might not know what the new heaven and new earth will look like. We might not understand how a new Jerusalem can appear. We might not be able to comprehend how all of this golden streets and gates of pearl and unfathomable beauty can take place. But we can all agree that whatever John saw when he got a glimpse of heaven was beyond description.

There is coming a time and everyone who listens to God’s spirit knows the time, whether individually or collectively, is not far away, when we will be ushered into his presence. Those who believe in him will spend eternity in a place more beautiful that the most wonderful place you have ever been or imagined. We will live in a land without pain or sorrow or misery or evil or anger or any of those negative things that plague us on this side of the grave.

Everyone who believes in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins knows from those last two chapters in John that Jesus is coming back to sweep us away. Paul tells us it will be in the blink of an eye. He will suddenly appear. Time will be no more. It will all be over. We will be with him forever. How fast do you blink? That’s the speed in which his coming will happen. Will you have time to make things right when he comes? In the blink of an eye? Maybe a little preparation is in order.  

You can find me at richardagee.com. I also invite you to join us at San Antonio First Church of the Nazarene on West Avenue in San Antonio to hear more about The Story and our part in it. You can find out more about my church at SAF.church. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed it, tell a friend. If you didn’t, send me an email and let me know how better to reach out to those around you. Until next week, may God richly bless you as you venture into His story each day.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

What does the future hold? (Revelation 4:1), May 19, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. Wouldn’t it be nice to look into the future and know what was going to happen in the next few days or weeks? Then you could prepare for it and maybe even avoid some of the crises that are headed you way. Well, we do not what happens next if we will pay attention to Jesus’ words.
  3. Scripture
    1. Rev 4:1
    2. A Voice: Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.
  4. Devotional
    1. I like Chinese restaurants
      1. Décor
      2. Food
      3. Fortune cookies
        1. Disappointed if they don’t give them to you at the end of the meal
        2. Usually don’t say anything worthwhile
        3. Always want to see what they say, though
    2. We want to know what’s ahead
      1. Card readers
      2. Palm readers
      3. Fortune tellers
      4. Horoscopes
      5. Astrologers
      6. Psychics and mediums
      7. $2 billion industry
    3. Interesting that not a large percentage of those spending those $2 billion spend much time looking into the book that tells them what the future will really be like
      1. Every prophecy laid out in scripture has come true in its time
      2. Read through the Old Testament and watch all those prophecies come to pass the prophets gave the kings
      3. Red the prophecies about Jesus and see them fulfilled in the New Testament
      4. Now Jesus gives this vision to John as he sits in exile on the Isle of Patmos
      5. If all the other prophecies have come to pass, why wouldn’t we think the things Jesus tells John in this book will not take place?
    4. We want to know the future
      1. It’s good to be prepared for contingencies
      2. It’s good to know a little of what will happen so we’re not surprised
      3. It’s good to know God knows what is happening so we are assured He has everything under control
      4. It’s good to know none of the brokenness that continues to fracture this world shakes the Eternal from His throne
      5. It’s good to know God will stand with us and live in us to help us through the roughest times of life when we give ourselves to Him
    5. We don’t need psychics and mediums, palm readers and fortune cookies to tell us about tomorrow
      1. In plain sight for us if we just read God’s word
      2. He tells us what to expect and how to prepare for it
      3. His book isn’t that long, but making it the volume you go to everyday as your number one self-help book, will certainly change you more than anything else you could do
  5. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

What will we do about the signs? (Luke 12:54-57) November 21, 2016

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Deuteronomy 16-19

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Luke 12:54-57
Jesus: (speaking to the crowd) You see a cloud arise from the sea in the west, and you can say, “Here comes a shower!” And you’re right. Or you feel the hot wind blowing in from the desert in the south and you say, “It’s going to be really hot!” And you’re right. Listen, hypocrites! You can predict the weather by paying attention to the sky and the earth, but why can’t you interpret the urgency of this present moment? Why don’t you see it for yourselves?

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

As I was reading Jesus’ words today, I’m not sure I would pick the same illustration He used. We use weathermen as a joke. The only profession in which you can be wrong half the time and still keep your job. But that’s really not a very good joke. They really are pretty good at what they do. They can tell us with pretty good accuracy what the weather will be for the next few hours anyway. Do they always get it right? No, but they get pretty close most of the time and they get it right most of the time for the next several days up to about a week in advance. So I guess it wasn’t a bad illustration for Jesus to use.

Today, He might pick different examples. Not the stock market or climate control or politics. None of those are predictable anymore. I’m not sure you can pick out any signs or symptoms that give you any sure signs of what’s to come in those areas. But the point He makes is there are things that we can see and have some pretty good evidence of what will come next. You see dark clouds rising and expect a storm. You feel wind coming from the desert, that’s where the hot air comes from. If you’re in Oklahoma and see some funny looking funnel clouds in the sky, you take cover because a tornado is likely to pop out of the sky.

We see those things and we can predict what will happen soon. But Jesus told us and Daniel told us and Ezekiel told us and John told us what the signs of the end would look like and we just ignore them. We can’t see those for what they are. We look at those things and assume they are just normal everyday happenings and don’t attach any significance to them.

What am I talking about? Jesus talked about wars everywhere. He talked about division and debate and kingdoms rising up against each other. He predicted the anger and hatred between factions and power hungry leaders. He talked about strange weather patterns with no reasonable explanation and the earth beginning to groan under the weight of sin’s destructive power. Earthquakes. Strange happenings in the heavens and on earth. Drought. Famine. Floods.

So take a look around and what do you see around the globe? Earthquakes. Floods. Drought. Famine. War. Hatred. Unexplained weather patterns. We can see everything Jesus talked about that heralds His coming back to take us home with Him. Time is soon to come to an end. All the signs are there. He could return at any moment without failing His prophecies in any respect. So why don’t we pay attention to those signs?

I’m afraid we don’t pay attention for the same reason the scribes and Pharisees and the crowds around Jesus didn’t pay attention. We are so caught up in our own lives and our own wants and desires we don’t look for what God wants in our lives. We don’t look expectantly for His return. He tells us to watch for Him like a guard would a thief he knew was coming at a certain hour of the night. But instead, we do our own thing. We try to satisfy our desires and pleasures our own way. We forget that God put us here for a purpose and it isn’t our purpose, it’s His.

He created us with His purpose in mind. He made us to do His work, not ours. We inherited this selfish bent from Adam and it hasn’t stopped since. We still want what we want instead of what God wants for us. Until we begin to look for Him and His purpose for the world, we will not see the signs for what they are. We will let Satan blind us to the truth and be unable to see that God has something better for us.

I’ve used the illustration before, but it is appropriate. The signs are hidden in plain view, like the objects in the hidden picture on the old “Highlights” magazines. Satan has blinded us with his lies, but once God becomes Lord of your life, you see the truth and those objects in the picture, the signs of the times, appear as clear as day. Once you know the truth, those hidden objects are no longer hidden, they are visible and you can’t unsee them. Every time you look at that picture, the objects are right there in the open. That’s how it is with the signs of the times around us.

It’s time to open our eyes. See what is happening. Be ready for Jesus’ coming. Warn those around us of His impending return. Give everyone we know the opportunity to know Jesus as Savior. The signs are there to see. What will we do about them?

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

What do you do to remember your past? (Mark 14:14-15) September 9, 2016

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Amos 1-4

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Mark 14:14-15
Jesus: Follow that man; and wherever he goes in, say to the owner of the house, “The Teacher asks, ‘Where is the guest room where I can eat the Passover meal with My disciples?’” He will take you upstairs and show you a large room furnished and ready. Make our preparations there.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

We don’t think too much about what that meal Jesus ate with the disciples that night before His crucifixion. We think about the end of it. The words He said and the new covenant He established with them. We remember the prediction of His betrayal and the passing of the cup and the bread which He said word forever represent His blood and broken body. We remember these things because we celebrate that remembrance in communion or the Lord’s Supper of whatever name your denomination gives the ritual we use to commemorate that sacred covenant.

But did you ever think about the meal the disciples shared that night? I’ll admit, the thing that got me thinking about it today was the comment Jesus made, “Make our preparations there.” That little phrase. I’ve passed over it a lot, because I always focused on other parts of the story and never on that little phrase. But I want to share a couple of thoughts with you about those four words.

First, I want to point out that Jesus sent only two of His disciples ahead to make the preparations. They found the room set up and ready, but there was a lot more to do as I’ll explain in a minute. But only two disciples were about to do a lot of work to prepare the Seder, the Passover meal, for Jesus and the rest of His disciples.

Jesus and His disciples observed the law. They carried out the rituals Moses told them to carry out. We know they did a couple of things the Pharisees and Sadducees were upset about, like grabbing a handful of grain as they walked through a wheat field on the Sabbath or Jesus telling a man with a crippled arm to straighten it out on the Sabbath. But they observed the law as Jesus understood the law. And since He was there to give it to Moses, I expect He understood it pretty well.

The Mosaic law says to eat a whole lamb and leave nothing behind. Share it with as many families as are necessary, but leave nothing behind. Any of the lamb that is not eaten must be burned in the fire. The roasted lamb is to be eaten with bitter herbs and eaten while wearing traveling clothes. All in remembrance of the death angel passing over the homes of the Israelites who put the blood of the lamb on the door posts of their houses.

So if the disciples had to kill and butcher the lamb themselves, the process would take about an hour to kill, dress, and prepare the animal for the fire, assuming these two disciples were pretty skilled at the job. It’s probably a good assumption given the times they lived in and the necessity of often killing and butchering their own meat. Then roasting the lamb took another four to five hours depending on the size of the lamb.

The two could probably do some other task while the lamb was roasting, like prepare the bread, or buy it from the market along with the bitter herbs, the wine, and other foods for the meal. The tables were already up and maybe even set for the affair, so the food was probably the biggest preparation, but think about the work that went into preparing the Seder for 13 or more people without electricity and only brick ovens and open fires. These two guys did some work.

And this was a special meal. This was the Passover. The day that marked the beginning of the nation of Israel. The day that celebrated the breaking of the bonds of their slavery from Egypt. This day of celebration began by remembering the sorrow of the Egyptians and the mighty hand of God that protected them in the midst of His awesome avenging power meted out all around them. They heard the wailing through the night and were forced out of the country before daybreak. This was the event they remembered with this meal. The story was told year after year so the children would never forget and so the adults would never forget either.

What stories do we tell our children so they never forget the hand of God in our lives? What celebrations do we perform to commemorate God’s faithfulness to us? What special events do we remember so we never forget to thank God for His protection and watch care over us in both the good and bad times of life? It’s an important question, because if we don’t tell our children how God has helped us through the tough times of life, how will they know He’s the one who does? How will they ever learn to lean on Him? Two disciples worked all day to make preparations so the disciples could remember their past. What do you to remember yours?

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Heaven is waiting (Revelation 4), August 30, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Revelation 4

Set – Ezekiel 11; Revelation 4

Go! – Ezekiel 8-11; Revelation 4

Revelation 4
1 After I wrote down these messages, I saw a door standing open in heaven and heard again the first voice that sounded like a trumpet.
A Voice: Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.
2 Immediately I was caught up in the Spirit, and I saw a throne that stood in heaven and One seated on the throne. 3 The One enthroned gleamed like jasper and carnelian, and a rainbow encircled the throne with an emerald glow. 4 Encircling that great throne were twenty-four smaller thrones with twenty-four elders clothed in white robes with wreaths fashioned of gold on their heads. 5 Out of the great throne came flashes of lightning, sounds of voices, and peals of thunder. In front of the great throne, seven torches were ablaze, which are the seven Spirits of God. 6 Also in front of the throne was a glassy sea of shimmering crystal.
In the midst of the throne and encircling the throne were four living creatures, covered all over with eyes, front to back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second creature was like an ox, the third creature had a face like the face of a human, and the fourth creature was like an eagle in full flight. 8 These four living creatures, each of which had six wings and was covered with eyes—eyes on the outside and on the inside—did not cease chanting. All day and night they were singing.
Four Living Creatures: Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord God who is the All Powerful,
who was, and who is, and who is coming.
9 And when the living creatures declared glory and honor and thanksgiving to the One seated on the throne, the One who lives throughout all the ages, 10 the twenty-four elders fell prostrate before the One seated on the throne, worshiped the One who lives throughout all the ages, cast their golden wreaths before the throne, and chanted to Him.
11 24 Elders: Worthy are You, O Lord; worthy are You, O God,
to receive glory and honor and power.
You alone created all things,
and through Your will and by Your design, they exist and were created.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

John got a glimpse of what was to come at the end of time. He saw a part of heaven few have witnessed. I allowed him to see My throne so he could share with My children some of their future. I wanted to give you a small vision of the future I have in store for you to give you hope in the desparate times you might face because of your faith. You see, I promised you will face trouble and misunderstanding and persecution as long as you live in this world. But in the world to come, the blessings are so far beyond your imagination, you will find your sufferings as nothing compared to those riches.

The first thing people see when they see My throne is the creature surrounding Me singing praises to Me. They can’t help it. It’s the natural response to who I am. John saw it when he peeked into heaven. He saw the flying creatures singing “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.” The 24 elders seated around My throne also sang praises to Me. They, too, couldn’t do anything else. All who see Me burst out in praise.

The throneroom is filled with sounds and sights that are impossible to describe with words. John tried, but fell short. The rainbow of colors he describes doesn’t give it justice. The sound of voices and peel of thunder fails to give an adequate representation of what he saw. There are lots of stories about heaven. They give people hope about what is to come. The best source, though, is My word. Listen to what John says about it. Listen to what David says about it. Read what Daniel and Ezekiel say about it. Listen to My words about heaven as I spoke to My disciples.

Heaven is a special place. It’s My home and I want you to share it with Me. How do you get there? Obey Me. That’s it. It’s as simple as that. I’ve been preparing it for you for a long time. It’s your decision whether to come or not. Admission is by reservation only and reservations come through obedience. I want to see you there.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.