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One person sows, and another reaps (John 4:32-38), January 26, 2017

Today’s Podcast

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  1. Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.
  2. “One person sows, and another reaps.” It seems no matter how hard we try, someone else gets the credit and the profit for the work we do. Is that fair? Listen to what Jesus has to say.
  3. Scripture
    1. John 4:32-38
    2. Jesus:  I have food to eat that you know nothing about.

Disciples (to one another):  Is it possible someone else has brought Him food while we were away?

Jesus:  I receive My nourishment by serving the will of the Father who sent Me and completing His work.  You have heard others say, “Be patient; we have four more months to wait until the crops are ready for the harvest.” I say, take a closer look and you will see that the fields are ripe and ready for the harvest.  The harvester is collecting his pay, harvesting fruit ripe for eternal life. So even now, he and the sower are celebrating their fortune.  The saying may be old, but it is true: “One person sows, and another reaps.”  I sent you to harvest where you have not labored; someone else took the time to plant and cultivate, and you feast on the fruit of their labor.


  1. Devotional
    1. It just doesn’t seem fair, does it? You do the work and someone else reaps the benefit. We sometimes feel that way with the companies we work for or the when we purchase big ticket items and think about the profits the companies must be making and in all sorts of situations. But we need to stop and remember Jesus’ words. The saying is old, but it is true.
    2. God made it that way
      1. One person sows and another reaps is true in more cases than you think and part of being in a community
      2. He made us interdependent
      3. Each of us have different skills and talents
      4. Stop and think about what it means for us today
    3. One sows another reaps
      1. You drive a car you probably didn’t make
      2. You eat food you probably didn’t grow
      3. You eat meat you probably didn’t raise
      4. You wear clothes you probably didn’t make
      5. You sit on chairs and eat at tables you didn’t construct
      6. Think of the things you enjoy you had no part in creating
    4. One person sowing and another reaping is the nature of life
      1. Jesus uses the example to talk about the harvest of people ready to be introduced to the kingdom of God
      2. We Satan sneak in feelings of jealousy about someone else’s reaping
      3. When we think about the nature of sowing and reaping in everyday life our attitude changes
    5. Remember the story of sowing and reaping and be happy you live in community with others so you don’t have to create everything yourself. You can enjoy the efforts of others and they can enjoy your efforts as well.
  1. If you want to learn more about my church, you can find us at SAF.church. If you like the devotional, share it with someone. If you don’t, tell me. I hope you’ll join me again tomorrow for “A Little Walk with God.”

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