Tag Archives: thanks

Improve your health, give thanks (Luke 17:17-19) December 15, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Song of Songs 3-4

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Luke 17:17-19
Jesus: Didn’t all ten receive the same healing this fellow did? Where are the other nine? Was the only one who came back to give God praise an outsider? (to the Samaritan man) Get up, and go your way. Your faith has made you healthy again.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

You’ve probably heard about gratitude journals and attitude of gratitude and keeping a disposition of thankfulness and how these things can keep your mood elevated. You’ve might have read some of the current studies that medical science has performed that show these things have real merit in changing a persons mood in positive ways and they shown it by the presence of those hormones and enzymes in the brain that elicit those responses when we show gratitude for the things around us instead of complaining about our circumstances.

It’s taken a long time, though, for science to catch up with what Jesus taught us 2,000 years ago with these 10 men and what Paul told us to do when he said to be thankful in everything. But we’ve forgotten the lesson too often. We don’t hear too many thank yous anymore. We’ve come to think that people owe us kindness. We think people owe us service. We think people owe us just about anything we get. But you know, they really don’t.

That paycheck you get, perhaps you did things to earn it, but did you ever think about the fact that you are pretty fortunate to have a job? Look at the number of people just in this country that are without work. I know, you’ll tell me the unemployment numbers are better than they have been in a while. But that number is deceiving. Take a look at the tax roles. We have a smaller percentage of people paying taxes than we have since we started paying taxes. That should frighten you a little. That means a greater percentage of people are either not working or are making too little to pay taxes, which means they are at the poverty level. So how about being grateful for that paycheck and the ability to pay taxes.

What about that raggedy old car that you wish you could afford to trade. We think we deserve a new one, right? Well, if you’re car moves on its own, that’s better than walking, right? Besides, a raggedy old car is probably better than a crippling car payment when the economy is doubtful, right? So how about some thanks for that piece of junk that sits in your driveway and gets you to work every day.

Then there’s that neighbor or co-worker that just drives you nuts. You can’t get away from them and they tell you the same stories every time you see them. It seems like such a waste of time when they come by, but you grit your teeth and patiently listen to the same story again and smile and act like it’s the first time you heard it to be polite. But what if you had no friends. What if you lived all alone with no one that called or visited or cared. What a lonely pitiful life that would be because God made us for relationships, not to be alone. So how about a little thanks for that annoying neighbor as you put them in the proper perspective.

And then there is salvation. Can you think of what God did for you and not be thankful? When things begin to get tough here, just think about what’s ahead. We are promised an eternity with Jesus if we have let Him into our hearts. He died for just that purpose. He gave Himself so we can live with Him forever. He came to pay the penalty for our sins so they might be forgiven and our guilt might be swept away. If that doesn’t make you thankful, then what will? We no longer carry the sins that keep us from God’s presence. They are removed and cast away as far as the east is from the west.

I like the way David said that in the Psalms. I’m not sure David understood the north and south poles and the fact that when you got to the north pole you could go no farther north. From that point you can only go south. And from the south pole you can only travel north. But when you travel east or when you travel west, you just keep on going like the Energizer bunny. You never stop, there is no end. And that’s just how far God casts away our sins when He forgives us.

Paul told us to be thankful. Jesus told us to be thankful. Science tells us the benefits of being thankful. Have you figured out yet that giving thanks, being grateful for even the little things is good for your health. So turn up that thanks meter and improve your health today.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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