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He’s coming in the clouds of heaven (Mark 14:62) September 15, 016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Proverbs 23-24

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Mark 14:62
Jesus: I am. One day you will see the Son of Man “sitting at His right hand, in the place of honor and power,” and “coming in the clouds of heaven.”

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

Jesus said these words at His trial before the Sanhedrin. They were looking for a way to find charges against Him worthy of death. They wanted to get rid of this trouble maker and wanted to do it fast. So they tried witnesses hired by some of the less scrupulous among them, but the witnesses contradicted each other. So the court couldn’t convict Jesus based on their testimonies. Interesting, isn’t it, that they would use the laws of their court, but wouldn’t use the laws of God in examining Jesus.

The Sanhedrin questioned Jesus more. They twisted His words and asked more pointedly about His teaching. Jesus didn’t answer. Finally, Jesus gave them what they wanted to hear, almost. They were looking for blasphemy, but when it’s the truth, it’s not blasphemy. Still, when the priest, as chief prosecutor asked if Jesus was the Messiah, He answered with the title God used as He addressed Moses in the desert, “I am.”

Those next words in Jesus’ answer to the Sanhedrin caused a near riot in the hall. But I want us to think about them today as we hear them again and take them to heart. “One day you will see the Son of Man ‘sitting at His right hand, in the place of honor and power,’ and ‘coming in the clouds of heaven.’”

Have you considered the promise Jesus made to the Sanhedrin in those early morning hours? They were looking for blasphemy, but He made a promise to all those who would follow Him and also to those who would not. He was headed to heaven to take His rightful place on at the throne. He would sit at the right hand of the Father, the place of honor. They might take His life, but He would overcome them. They might try Him for blasphemy, but He would prove them wrong.

Jesus gave them a picture of the future as He shared the truth of who He was and what would soon happen when He broke out of the tomb and returned to heaven with to await His bride, the church. He would soon go home and one day everyone would see Him as He is, Messiah, God incarnate, the One who saves us from our sins. Our bridge to heaven. We will see Him in His place of honor and power.

The second thing Jesus promises is that He is coming back. He said we would see Him coming in the clouds of heaven. The angels said that when the disciples were gathered on the hillside watching Him leave. They told those who wept at His departure, not to worry or fear or weep, because He was coming back the same way He left, in clouds from heaven.

That will be a great day for some. It will be a tragic day for many. Jesus said the road to heaven is narrow and few find it. For those that find that road, it will be a great day. Seeing Jesus return in the clouds will mark the day He gathers us together to join Him in heaven forever. For those who refuse to believe in Him for His saving grace, for those who refuse to follow Him and obey Him, that day will be a horrible day. That crowd will realize too late that Jesus meant what He said. They, too, will see Him coming in the clouds, but for them, He will come as the avenger of His church. He will come to avenge His name and pour out His wrath on the disobedient. For them, it will be a day they will with they had never been born.

Those gathered in the courtroom that day heard Jesus’ prophecy as blasphemy. We, on this side of the cross, who believe what He said and trust in Him, know His words are true and know His words are far from blasphemy, but a promise to all who follow His teachings. He will come again, just as He said. Right now He sits on the throne with the Father. He leans in close so He doesn’t miss a word. He awaits the message from His father, “Go get your bride.”

With the mention of those words from the Father, Jesus will climb onto those clouds and descend from heaven to get us. His words to the Sanhedrin will come true. He will come to take us away. What a spectacular day that will be. One day, we will see Him sitting at the right hand of the Father, in the place of honor and power and coming in the clouds of heaven.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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