Tag Archives: treasures

Treasures in Heaven, August 5, 2019

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Thanks for joining me today for “A Little Walk with God.” I’m your host Richard Agee.

A few days ago, I sat at my desk and saw one of those plastic Rubbermaid boxes sitting under it. I opened it and began to pull out the tangle of wires, connectors, chargers, plugs, and other assorted electrical contraptions associated with computers and their peripherals. 

The tangle of wires stared up at me like the hair on Medusa’s head. I felt paralyzed for a few minutes, then decided the time had come to de-clutter that box. I started through the mess of stuff, trying to figure out what I still owned that needed those cables or chargers or connectors. 

It finally dawned on me that the stuff in the box lived there for untouched, well, growing, never shrinking for at least two or three years. I couldn’t remember the last time I actually took something out of the box and used it. Into the trash went 85% of everything from the crate. The other 15% made up part of my travel kit, so I don’t have to switch cables and chargers when I decide to go somewhere. 

Piles of stuff. Drawers of junk. Closets of clutter. Rooms of rubbish. I’m not sure I’ve ever been in a house that doesn’t have at least a few of those around. I know I have more than my fair share and get a little overwhelmed at the thought of de-cluttering the physical stuff that takes up space in my life.

You probably know what I’m talking about. You are probably thinking about that closet or that drawer you need to go through but just don’t have the courage to rummage through the contents without a decent dose of pain killers or antidepressants. 

Jesus gives us a parable that talks about the accumulation of stuff in our lives and how dangerous it can be. In many Bibles, the parable bears the title “The Rich Young Ruler.” Luke records the parable in these words in Chapter 12.

 “A person in the crowd got Jesus’ attention.

Person in the Crowd: Teacher, intervene and tell my brother to share the family inheritance with me.

Jesus: Since when am I your judge or arbitrator?

Then He used that opportunity to speak to the crowd.

Jesus: You’d better be on your guard against any type of greed, for a person’s life is not about having a lot of possessions.

(then, beginning another parable) A wealthy man owned some land that produced a huge harvest. He often thought to himself, “I have a problem here. I don’t have anywhere to store all my crops. What should I do? I know! I’ll tear down my small barns and build even bigger ones, and then I’ll have plenty of storage space for my grain and all my other goods. Then I’ll be able to say to myself, ‘I have it made! I can relax and take it easy for years! So I’ll just sit back, eat, drink, and have a good time!’”

Then God interrupted the man’s conversation with himself. “Excuse Me, Mr. Brilliant, but your time has come. Tonight you will die. Now who will enjoy everything you’ve earned and saved?”

This is how it will be for people who accumulate huge assets for themselves but have no assets in relation to God.” [1]

My collection of stuff in that box under my desk cost a few hundred dollars if bought new. It was pretty worthless to me or anyone else tangled up in that box hidden away under my desk. And even though the cables, chargers, and connectors may have been costly originally, now they were very much like the possessions of that rich young ruler. They have very little value to me or anyone else. 

It’s easy for us to get caught up in material things. Our culture gears our brain to attract us to the glitter and gold of this world. We like stuff. We want stuff. We desire to be like that 1% at the top. We want our yachts and second homes and “our people” to submit to our bidding. The young ruler may have had it all. But…

Suddenly, things came into perspective for him. His barns full of produce meant nothing. He would never enjoy the wealth accumulated through his expertise and labor. The goods which made him so proud either would rot in his barns, or the villagers would take them in just a few short hours. All that wealth could do nothing for him.

I’m trying to start ridding myself of stuff. It’s not easy. Carole and I enjoyed living in many parts of the country and world because of my military service. We have lots of stuff that give us a lot of amazing memories. But still, it is just stuff in the long run. The memories are great, but the material things that prompt the memories just take up space and collect dust. 

Do I like those things? Sure. I’d be lying to you if I said I didn’t. I live in the same culture as you. I’m bombarded by the same marketing schemes you hear every day. I’m told how possessions mean success and lack of them mean failure in our culture. But don’t believe the lie. 

As Jesus told the crowd that day, things mean nothing. One day, we will all hear God say, “…your time has come. Tonight you will die. Now who will enjoy everything you’ve earned and saved?” ¹

What treasures won’t corrupt and live beyond our frail vessels that consume air and water and food? What treasures will last in heaven?

Relationships. My relationship with God. I will either be joining him eternally or separated from Him eternally. My relationship with him and his son determines that outcome. 

My relationships with my Christian brothers and sisters. I believe we will be bound together in heaven with a shared knowledge of each other with an understanding we do not comprehend at this time. I think we see only a tiny glimpse of what heaven is like in scripture. But when we arrive, I think we will know each other. We will have perfect love for each other and God. Our relationships will be perfected through him. 

Actions done in love to my fellow man. I think the things we do in love for others will follow us in our memories. Paul talks about the crowns we receive for our actions. I believe those actions will be part of our joy in remembering doing Christlike things for those who share this place. 

As part of the community of men and women of every race and nationality, when we do something for one of the least of these, we do it to Jesus. These memories bring him joy and will carry to the other side as treasures in heaven. Make sure you’re collecting the right treasures. Not the junk that hides in drawers or in boxes under the desk, but the things that will last forever in heaven with him.

You can find me at richardagee.com. I also invite you to join us at San Antonio First Church of the Nazarene on West Avenue in San Antonio to hear more Bible-based teaching. You can find out more about my church at SAF.church. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed it, tell a friend. If you didn’t, send me an email and let me know how better to reach out to those around you. Until next week, may God richly bless you as you venture into His story each day. 

[1] Luke 12: 13-21 The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved. In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Chose the intangibles (Luke 12:13-34), September 29, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Luke 12:13-34

Set – Zechariah 4; Luke 12

Go! – Zechariah 4-6; Luke 12

Luke 12:13-34
13 A person in the crowd got Jesus’ attention.
Person in the Crowd: Teacher, intervene and tell my brother to share the family inheritance with me.
Jesus: 14 Since when am I your judge or arbitrator?
15 Then He used that opportunity to speak to the crowd.
Jesus: You’d better be on your guard against any type of greed, for a person’s life is not about having a lot of possessions.
16 (then, beginning another parable) A wealthy man owned some land that produced a huge harvest. 17 He often thought to himself, “I have a problem here. I don’t have anywhere to store all my crops. What should I do? 18 I know! I’ll tear down my small barns and build even bigger ones, and then I’ll have plenty of storage space for my grain and all my other goods. 19 Then I’ll be able to say to myself, ‘I have it made! I can relax and take it easy for years! So I’ll just sit back, eat, drink, and have a good time!’”
20 Then God interrupted the man’s conversation with himself. “Excuse Me, Mr. Brilliant, but your time has come. Tonight you will die. Now who will enjoy everything you’ve earned and saved?”
21 This is how it will be for people who accumulate huge assets for themselves but have no assets in relation to God.
22 (then, to His disciples) This is why I keep telling you not to worry about anything in life—about what you’ll eat, about how you’ll clothe your body. 23 Life is more than food, and the body is more than fancy clothes. 24 Think about those crows flying over there: do they plant and harvest crops? Do they own silos or barns? Look at them fly. It looks like God is taking pretty good care of them, doesn’t it? Remember that you are more precious to God than birds! 25 Which one of you can add a single hour to your life or 18 inches to your height by worrying really hard? 26 If worry can’t change anything, why do you do it so much?
27 Think about those beautiful wild lilies growing over there. They don’t work up a sweat toiling for needs or wants—they don’t worry about clothing. Yet the great King Solomon never had an outfit that was half as glorious as theirs!
28 Look at the grass growing over there. One day it’s thriving in the fields. The next day it’s being used as fuel. If God takes such good care of such transient things, how much more you can depend on God to care for you, weak in faith as you are. 29 Don’t reduce your life to the pursuit of food and drink; don’t let your mind be filled with anxiety. 30 People of the world who don’t know God pursue these things, but you have a Father caring for you, a Father who knows all your needs.
31 Since you don’t need to worry—about security and safety, about food and clothing—then pursue God’s kingdom first and foremost, and these other things will come to you as well.
32 My little flock, don’t be afraid. God is your Father, and your Father’s great joy is to give you His kingdom.
33 That means you can sell your possessions and give generously to the poor. You can have a different kind of savings plan: one that never depreciates, one that never defaults, one that can’t be plundered by crooks or destroyed by natural calamities. 34 Your treasure will be stored in the heavens, and since your treasure is there, your heart will be lodged there as well.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Satan has managed to turn people’s eyes toward material things so easily. You long for the things you can see instead of the things that really have value. Look around you where you sit right now. How many of those things did you have ten years ago? Twenty years ago? Or turn it around, how many of the things that you see around you will still be in your possession ten years from now? Twenty years from now?

See, all those tangible things will disappear. No matter how long you might think they will last, even if your looking at something that came from what is thought antique, it will someday crumble into dust. Nothing tangible lasts forever. But your soul, that I breathed into you when you took shape inside your mother’s womb, will last forever. I will last forever. Heaven lasts forever. And hell lasts forever. The tangible things of this life will be gone before you know it, but your immortal soul lives on through eternity.

I want you to live with Me. It is your choice, though. Choose to treasure the intangible. Choose to seek and find Me. Choose to build up your treasures in heaven by loving others with Christlike love.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.

Wisdom comes from God or experience (Proverbs 2), May 26, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Proverbs 2
Set – Proverbs 2; Romans 7
Go! – Proverbs 1-3; Romans 7

Proverbs 2
1My son, if you accept what I am telling you
and store my counsel and directives deep within you,
2 If you listen for Lady Wisdom, attune your ears to her,
and engage your mind to understand what she is telling you,
3 If you cry out to her for insight
and beg for understanding,
4 If you sift through the clamor of everything around you
to seek her like some precious prize,
to search for her like buried treasure;
5 Then you will grasp what it means to truly respect the Eternal,
and you will have discovered the knowledge of the one True God.
6 The Eternal is ready to share His wisdom with us,
for His words bring true knowledge and insight;
7 He has stored up the essentials of sound wisdom for those who do right;
He acts as a shield for those who value integrity.
8 God protects the paths of those who pursue justice,
watching over the lives of those who keep faith with Him.
9 With this wisdom you will be able to choose the right road,
seek justice, and decide what is good and fair
10 Because wisdom will penetrate deep within
and knowledge will become a good friend to your soul.
11 Sound judgment will stand guard over you,
and understanding will watch over you as the Lord promised.
12 Wisdom will keep you from following the way of evildoers,
of those who twist words to pervert the truth,
13 Of those who reject the right road
for a darker, more sinister way of life,
14 Of those who enjoy evil
and pursue perverse pleasures,
15 Of those who journey down a crooked path,
constantly figuring out new ways to trick and deceive others.
16 Wisdom will pluck you from the trap of a seductive woman,
from the enticing propositions of the adulteress
17 Who chose to leave the husband of her youth,
to forget her sacred promises to her God;
18 For her house is on the road that leads to death,
and her path goes down to the shadowy pit.
19 Those who go to her will never return;
they will never again find their way back to true life.
20 As for you, you should walk like those who are good
and keep to the paths of those who love justice,
21 For those who live right will remain in the land
and those with integrity will endure here.
22 But not the wicked; they will be forced out and banned from this promised land,
and those who deal in deceit will be plucked up like weeds.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

Wisdom is such an important quality to obtain but so few possess it. Those who declare they have wisdom usually don’t and those who thirst for it and seek it with their whole being usually have more than they think they do. Wisdom eludes many because they fail to work hard enough to obtain it. They just sit back and let life roll over them without a care in the world and take whatever life brings. No plans. No provision for the future. No expectation of anything other than come what may.

Wisdom operates in a different mode. Wisdom hopes for the best, but plans for the worst. She expects adversity and prepares for it, but makes an effort to avoid adversity through her diligence and shaping the future in ways to change the “inevitable”. Wisdom works with Me because she knows that with Me all things are possible.

But wisdom mostly concerns herself with right and wrong, justice for the downtrodden. Wisdom takes you down the right paths of life making right decisions with eternal consequences. The foolish, choose for the moment without regard for the future. Momentary pleasure drives the thoughts of the foolish instead of eternal reward. Wisdom asks you to store up treasures in heaven where rust and moths don’t corrupt it, whether monetary, relationship, character building or whatever.

It isn’t easy to gain wisdom, but it isn’t that hard either. This issue comes down to who controls your life. Do you control it or do you let Me control it. When you let loose of the throne of your life and turn over control to Me, I give you wisdom. I help you make right choices. I put you on the right road. I help you select the right treasures. I help you steer away from the momentary pleasures that trap you into Satan’s schemes and help you make choices for eternal investments. I give you real wisdom.

Two things give you wisdom, understanding from Me and the school of experience. From which would you prefer to learn? If you’ll listen to Me, you can avoid the pain and suffering that accompanies the experiences of poor, selfish choices. Choosing Me will result in experiences far less painful than the hard knocks of life and guarantee eternal rewards in heaven. It’s an easy choice to make. The world will tell you it’s not such an easy choice to follow, but then the world doesn’t have Me on its side.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
In accordance with the requirements for FTC full disclosure, I may have affiliate relationships with some or all of the producers of the items mentioned in this post who may provide a small commission to me when purchased through this site.