Tag Archives: vulnerable

Let your feelings show (2 Corinthians 6:1-13), Apr 6, 2015

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Set – Ruth 3-4; 2 Corinthians 6
Go! – Ruth 3-4; Psalms 64-65; 2 Corinthians 6

2 Corinthians 6:1-13
1 As for those of us working as His emissaries, we beg you not to take the grace of God lightly. 2 For God says through Isaiah,

When the time was right, I listened to you;
and that day you were delivered, I was your help.
Look, now the time is right! See, your day of deliverance is here! 3 We are careful in what we teach so that our words won’t be a stumbling block and so that no one will discredit our ministry. 4 But as God’s servants, we commend ourselves in every situation. So that with great endurance we persevere even in anguish and hardship. We have been cornered by the enemy 5 suffering beatings, imprisonments, uproars, toil, sleeplessness, and starvation. 6 And by the Holy Spirit with purity, understanding, patience, kindness, and sincerest love we have proved ourselves. 7 Now with the voice of truth and power of God—armed on the right and armed on the left with righteousness from God—we continue. 8 Whether respected or loathed, praised or criticized as frauds, yet true, 9 as unknown to this world, and yet well known to God, we serve Him. We are treated as dying and yet we live, as punished and yet we are not executed. 10 Though we are sorrowful, we continually rejoice. As the poorest of the poor, we bring richness to all, and though we have nothing, we possess all things.

11 Corinthians, we have been completely open to you. We’ve exposed the truth, holding nothing back while our hearts open wide to take you in. 12 We have revealed our affection toward you—though it’s obvious you have a hard time showing your affection toward us. 13 If I could offer some fatherly advice: open yourselves up as children; share your hearts with us as we have done for you.

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

In his letters to the Corinthians, Paul does something few will do today in their spiritual journey. He opens himself up to the people in the small congregation and bares his heart to them. In society today, too many hold back their heart and fail to allow themselves to reveal their spirit to those around them. They fear becoming vulnerable because someone might take advantage of the information they share.

Paul on the other hand, tells all. Needless to say, he doesn’t give intimate details of intimate relationships, but as to his spiritual journey, his life is an open book for others to examine. His sins are laid out for all to see so that they might also see the forgiveness he received from My hand. His past is apparent so others might know the dramatic change that came into his life because of My spirit living in him.

The façade many in the church put up today to give the impression that all is well too often causes those facing struggles in life to think something is wrong with their walk with Me. They feel defeated because they look at someone else with a mask on their face and assume they must not have the faith or courage they need. They allow themselves to fall and fail because they get their eyes on people with facades instead of seeing the real hurt that would be there if those around them let their real feelings show.

As Christians, you need to become vulnerable to assist those around you. You need to let others see the struggles you have and the way I am helping you through those trials. Especially when younger Christians see the way in which you handle struggles by leaning on Me, it will encourage them to know they are not unique in their struggles in life. They will know they are on still on the path of righteousness as they work through their burdens in life.

Paul says to open yourself up as children. Take some time and watch young children at play and with their parents. They are never afraid to let their feelings show. You see excitement on their faces. When they fall down, they are not afraid to cry. When they find something new, you see the joy explode in their smiles. Their feelings are evident in their expressions and their actions.

Watch the little children and learn to express yourself with the same freedom they enjoy. Become vulnerable as children to reach out to others and share My love, My freedom, My story to others. Your life will become a mirror of My love to those around you as you do.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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