Tag Archives: worthy

The Lamb is worthy (Revelation 5), August 31, 2015

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Today’s Scriptures

Today’s Bible reading plans include:

Ready – Revelation 5

Set – Ezekiel 14; Revelation 5

Go! – Ezekiel 12-14; Revelation 5

Revelation 5
1 And then I saw a scroll in the right hand of the One seated upon the throne, a scroll written both on the inside and on the outside. It had been sealed with seven seals. 2 Then a mighty heavenly messenger proclaimed with a loud voice,
Mighty Messenger: Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?
3 No creature of creation in all heaven, on all the earth, or even under the earth could open the scroll or look into its mysteries. 4 Then I began to mourn and weep bitterly because no creature of creation was found who was worthy to open the scroll or to look into its mysteries. 5 Then one of the elders consoled me.
One of the 24 Elders: Stop weeping. Look there—the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David. He has conquered and is able to break its seven seals and open the scroll.
6 I looked, and between the throne and the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders stood a Lamb who appeared to have been slaughtered. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes (the eyes are the seven Spirits of God sent out over all the earth).
7 The Lamb came and took the scroll from the right hand of the One seated upon the throne. 8 And when He took it, the four living creatures and twenty-four elders fell prostrate before the Lamb. They worshiped Him, and each one held a harp and golden bowls filled with incense (the prayers of God’s holy people). 9 Then they sang a new song.
Four Living Creatures and 24 Elders: You are worthy to receive the scroll,
to break its seals,
Because You were slain. With Your blood, You redeemed for God
people from every tribe and language, people from every race and nation.
10 You have made them a kingdom; You have appointed them priests to serve our God,
and they will rule upon the earth.
11 When I looked again, I heard the voices of heavenly messengers (numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands). They surrounded the throne, the living creatures, and the elders.
12 Thousands of Messengers (with a great voice): Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.
Worthy is the Lamb to receive authority and wealth and wisdom and greatness
And honor and glory and praise.
13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and beneath the earth and in the sea and all things in them echoing the messengers.
Every Creature: To the One who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
Be blessing and honor and glory and power
Throughout the ages.
14 And the four living creatures kept on repeating:
Four Living Creatures: Amen. Amen.
And the elders fell down and worshiped [Him who lives forever].

Today’s Devotional

From today’s background scripture God might say:

John saw in great symbolism the role I played as the Lion of Judah and the Lamb slain for the salvation of the world. As the Lion of Judah, I am conqueror of all the kingdoms of the earth. I am the King of kings and Lord of lords. I reign over all nations and every leader is allowed to rule only by My permission. I am the final authority for all that takes place throughout the earth. The Father has given that authority to His Son.

As the Lamb, slaughtered as the perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of your sins, I stand between you and the Father to cover your sins with My blood. He sees My blood, not your sin when you come through Me for forgiveness. As the perfect sacrifice, you no longer required the annual sacrifice of lambs and goats to atone for your sins. I have completed the acts for you. I have done all that is required. All you need to do is believe in Me enough to follow Me and do what I ask.

John also saw all of heaven bowing to both the Lamb and the Father as one because we are one – Father, Son, and Spirit. John heard all creation in heaven and earth singing praises to the Lamb and bowing to Him because of who He is and what He has done for all creation. The praise never stops. The singing never ends. The adoration grows beyond measure. The worship goes on and on because the One who sits on the throne and the Lamb are worthy of blessing and honor and glory and power.

Why don’t you stop for a few moments and share in the celebration.

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