God specializes in the impossible (Mark 10:27) August 21, 2016

Today’s Podcast

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – 1 Timothy 4-6

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Mark 10:27
Jesus (smiling and shaking His head): For human beings it is impossible, but not for God: God makes everything possible.

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

Jesus is nearing the end of His earthly ministry. He is heading toward Jerusalem where He will soon share His last meal with the disciples and be sacrificed for our sins. These last teachings He gives grow more difficult for those around Him to hear and understand. They sound more radical to the average listener of that day as He tries to make them understand the relationship the Father wants with His children. Jesus wants His disciples and those who will hear them later to realize that God wants to do incredible things in and through us if we will just trust Him to do so.

Jesus has already done incredible miracles in their presence. He has taught them many marvelous things. But as He shares with those around Him about the kingdom of heaven and tells them it is for children and it is better to enter it lame or blind if that is how you must get in, the people begin to fall away from Him. He no longer preaches the feel good sermons anymore. He preaches a pretty rugged life for those who will follow Him. Take up your cross and follow Me. Expect to lose your life for Me. Expect to be hated. Give up your wealth if it detracts you from worship.

His disciples look at Him with puzzles stares. They had looked up to these wealthy men Jesus talked about. These were the pillars of the community, or so they thought. These were the men who gave the most to the temple. These were the ones who were first to make pledges to special projects for new synagogues, new programs for the poor, new accoutrements for the worship services. These were the people who were always giving from their storehouses of gold to keep the religious business moving.

But Jesus said these people would only make it into the kingdom if God worked a miracle in their lives. But not just the lives of the wealthy, but everyone’s lives. Did you notice the questions and comments before this verse? If it’s hard for the rich to get into heaven with all the good things they do, then how are we ordinary, everyday, run of the mill folks supposed to get in. The truth is, we, too, need a miracle.

No one makes it into the kingdom without the miracle of God’s mercy and grace touching our lives. None of us meet the standard required to enter into His kingdom. None of us are good enough. Smart enough. Pretty enough. Rich enough. Poor enough. None of us have done enough. We haven’t prayed enough or sang enough praises to God. None of us come even close to getting into heaven by our own stength or power or on the merits from the lives we live. We are all sinners and fall very short of God’s glory.

Satan tries to tell us we can get there by any or all of those methods, but he’s a liar. None of those work. Jesus is the standard by which we are measured. The God/Man who lived alongside us as the perfect representation of both God and Man showed us how to live and please God in every way. None of us measure up. We fail on every front. We don’t measure up to His standards and cannot in our own power. Many have tried in as many ways as you can ever dream, but none meet the standard. It is impossible for us.

But listen to Jesus words again and understand the comfort they bring to our sinner’s heart. “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God; God makes everything possible.” Did you get that? God makes everything possible. There is nothing He cannot do. There are many things He will not do, but there is nothing He cannot do. If He had a business card, it would probably read, God, master of the impossible. I can do it all.

The question is, do you have faith enough to believe Him. Do you know that He can do what He says He will do? Sometimes, I must beg like the man with the demon possessed son, “Lord, I believe, but help me with my doubts.” God doesn’t always answer my prayers the way I think they should be answered. But I’m not God. I can’t see the big, god-sized picture. He can and I have learned to trust that in the end, His way is the right way even when I cannot see around the bend to know that He will use the outcome of some tragic incident for His glory and my good. I can’t always see it, but He can. And I can trust Him.

Nothing is impossible with God. And in the positive sense, anything is possible with God. What is it you want Him to do? What is His will and how can something you are praying about bring glory to Him? How can you become an instrument for Him in the time of testing you might be feeling at the moment so that others can see Jesus in you? Think it can’t happen? Anything is possible with God. Trust in Him. God specializes in the impossible.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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