Tag Archives: hypocrasy

Try on those new eyes (Luke 13:15-16) November 25, 2016

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Today’s Bible reading plan:

Read it in a year – Malachi

see the whole year’s plan [here](http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.pdf)

Today’s Devotional

Luke 13:15-16
Jesus: You religious leaders are such hypocrites! Every single one of you unties his ox or donkey from its manger every single Sabbath Day, and then you lead it out to get a drink of water, right? Do you care more about your farm animals than you care about this woman, one of Abraham’s daughters, oppressed by Satan for 18 years? Can’t we untie her from her oppression on the Sabbath?

What do Jesus’ words mean for us today?

Jesus didn’t have much room for people like the hypocrites He spoke to in today’s scripture. It’s the problem that became very obvious across the country this year in all the political drama on both sides of the aisle. People saying one thing and doing another. People declaring they are one thing but living another. People saying they want all of us to abide by certain laws but then not living up to them themselves.

That became the major emphasis of both major presidential candidate’s campaigns this year, did you notice? Neither laid out a platform of how they would help the country recover from the degradation we have slid into over the last several decades. Neither had a plan to raise the moral and ethical state that has robbed us of our innocence and has caused our children to be sold into slavery to sex and drugs and immoral vices that only which a miracle from God can free them.

Both could only blast the other about how they broke the laws of the country and were themselves a blight on society and lied to the people about each others moral character and inability to lead the country. And probably at least half of all that was said is right. I’m not sure we saw any candidates in the long list of people who spent millions of dollars in campaign ads were morally and ethically worthy of our votes. Our country has really come to that point in its slide toward debachery, self-centeredness, and evil, I’m sorry to say.

All you need to do is look at the number of laws and programs that Congress imposes on us,the citizens of the country, but excludes them, the legislators, to understand how true Jesus words are today. Obamacare doesn’t apply to Congress or many other special interest groups. Many of the tax laws exclude our government representatives. Special traffic laws, parking permits, and housing rules apply to our government leaders for the purpose of their protection, but more often for the purpose of their indulgence if the truth were told. And the list goes on.

But frankly, those things have been around since way before our Constitution was formed, way before Jesus talked about it with those Pharisees, way before the Romans came into power. That hypocrisy has been around since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. Men and women have this selfish side to them that says I want something you have or I have something I don’t want you to have and I’ll do anything necessary to keep you from it. Even kill. And so this evil springs up and we see the difference in the haves and have-nots everywhere.

Socialism thought it could blot it out, but it couldn’t. The Soviet Union was that great social experiment and it lasted a whole 70 years before it collapsed on itself. People say China’s socialist society works, but it doesn’t. It’s really not very socialist. It still operates under the rules of the ancient dynasties more than it does socialism so you have the elites in halls of power and the peasants who feed everyone else.

The same is true in the church, unfortunately. We find those who would impose what they think is God’s will on others but will not follow the same course of action for themselves. They are fast to see the errors that others are making and are quick to declare God’s wrath on all who might disobey those rules laid down for others to follow, but don’t see the hypocrisy in their own actions by failing to show God’s mercy and grace when that’s what He extends to everyone who will come to Him with a repentant heart.

And too often in the church today, we are much like those political candidates. Instead of providing the answers to those who come to us in need of forgiveness for their sins, we only point out the darkness in their heart. We know the answers they seek. We know that Jesus can heal their brokenness and clean up their lives. But instead of providing the solutions to the problems they face, we only point out the ugliness we see. We only point out the past mistakes and dredge up every mistake we can find. We look hard to find the weakness and failure and sin when what we should see in others is what God sees…His image, potential, His creation, a child ready for adoption into His family and His kingdom.

Will we ever learn to see with Jesus’ eyes? We can. All we need to do is give ourselves to Him. Let Him be Master and Savior and Lord. When we do, we see things, and particularly people, in a whole new way. Try on those new eyes and see how different things can look.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
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